Terrinald Screed

Terrinald Screed was a human male who, after the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], served the Galactic Empire. He was an officer within the Imperial Navy and a high-ranking operative in the Naval Intelligence Agency. During the Separatist Crisis, he held a position as an officer with the Judicial Department and supported the act that would authorize the Galactic Republic to establish a grand army of the republic.


In the waning years of the [Galactic Republic](/article/galactic_republic], Terrinald Screed worked as an officer for the Judicial Department. When the Separatist Crisis emerged, causing the Galactic Senate to put forth a bill to allow the Republic to form an army to fight the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Screed sided with those who favored the proposal. In a Holonet transmission, the Judicial officer emphasized how the Republic had previously benefited from strong, unified armed forces during past periods of crisis.

Sometime during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Screed lost his eye, which was then replaced by a cybernetic one.

By 14 BBY, which was five years following the war's conclusion and the transition to the Galactic Empire, Vice Admiral Screed had become a member of the Naval Intelligence Agency and held a prominent position within its structure. He was on Coruscant with other Imperial officers, including Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit of Naval Intelligence, when Moff Wilhuff Tarkin arrived to deliver his report concerning the attack on Sentinel Base.

Following another rebel attack on Galidraan Station, he and Rancit requested a meeting of the Joint Chiefs, arguing that the rebel cell was a far greater threat than ISB Deputy Director Harus Ison believed. However, his prediction that Nam Chorios would be the next target, rather than Lucazec, proved incorrect. He was deceived again when Tarkin and Darth Vader discovered that his colleague Rancit had been a traitor collaborating with the rebels all along, having misled both him and Ison. Nevertheless, this information was kept confidential from Screed and others within Naval Intelligence.

Screed was later promoted to the rank of admiral, and he commanded Imperial Navy forces in driving the Iska pirates away from Fanha before achieving a decisive defeating of them at Tosste. This achievement was so noteworthy that it became required learning material at Imperial Academies, including the one situated on Arkanis.

Sometime before the Liberation of Kashyyyk, he met his end at the hands of pirates near the Iktari Circle.

