Judicial Department

The Judicial Department, sometimes called the Department of Justice or the Judiciary branch, functioned as the executive branch department responsible for law enforcement within the Galactic Republic. Its headquarters were situated in the Judicial Arcology on the planet of Coruscant, and it possessed oversight of the Republic courts, the Judicial Forces, as well as the Republic Office of Criminal Investigations.

Following the start of the Clone Wars, the responsibilities of the Judicial Forces were reassigned to the Republic Military, leaving only peace officers to uphold law and order across Republic-aligned planets.


The Department

As the Galactic Republic's primary law enforcement agency, the Judicial Department answered only to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. It supervised a multitude of offices dedicated to the investigation, conviction, and sentencing of criminals. The close collaboration among these offices led many to believe that the Department was corrupt and rife with conflicts of interest. The rank of captain was utilized, and the department was managed by a small group of provost marshals.

The courts

The Republic courts formed a component of the Judicial Department's structure, yet most legal matters were handled locally and at the planetary level under regional or planetary legal systems. The Republic court system addressed issues concerning Republic law, such as disputes between planets, trade and taxation across star systems, and crimes committed in space. The majority of cases involved large corporations, regional governments, or pirates and other criminals causing widespread disruption across multiple sectors. Cases concerning the rights of sentients also fell under the court system's jurisdiction and occasionally reached the Republic Supreme Court. The court system employed prosecutors, barristers, researchers, bureaucrats, and experts in various fields.


Consular-class space cruisers of the Judicial Department arrive during the Open-Closed War.

The Republic Office of Criminal Investigations, known as ROCI, was a division within the Judicial Department responsible for managing subordinate law enforcement agencies and the Republic Enforcement DataCore, which kept track of Republic bounties. The Director of Investigation was the head of ROCI. Sector coordinators within ROCI oversaw regional judicial forces and coordinated with local law enforcement to prevent jurisdictional conflicts. ROCI also collaborated with the Jedi Order when Jedi became involved in Republic investigations.

The Republic Security Force operated under ROCI, and its agents, commonly referred to as Judicials, were easily identified by their distinctive blue or red tunics. The Judicial Forces served as the primary officers of ROCI and, more broadly, the Judicial Department. As such, the Judicials functioned as the Republic's "military" force, possessing ground and space units for military peacekeeping operations, sometimes under the supervision of a Jedi. Judicials received training in military tactics at the Judicial Academy. They investigated corporate and governmental entities, and at times combatted organized crime and piracy. The Republic Security Force maintained a sizable fleet to support local patrols, anti-piracy efforts, and investigations into special crimes. Judicials occasionally worked alongside the Senate Guard on specific assignments.

Judicials and Senate Guard evacuate civilians on Ontotho.

Due to the frequent collaboration between Judicials and Jedi, some Judicials harbored resentment towards the Order's privileged status, while others valued their unique insights. Judicials typically focused on gathering evidence for use in Republic court cases, whereas Jedi did not share this concern. Consequently, friction between Judicials and Jedi was not uncommon. However, regardless of personal feelings, most Judicials treated Jedi with respect. When weapons, spice, or slaves were seized by the Republic Security Force, they were handed over to the separate government office known as the Bureau of Sig, Spice and Slavery for examination, with the goal of tracing their origins to construct a comprehensive map and timeline.

Sector Rangers were specialized police officers within the Republic Security Force assigned to specific sectors of space. They were tasked with pursuing criminals deemed too dangerous for local law enforcement. Sector Rangers were considered members of one of the oldest institutions, known for being reliable trackers and warriors. Typically operating alone or in small groups, they hunted down notorious criminals throughout the galaxy. Sector Rangers had the legal authority to deputize local law enforcement officers to assist in the pursuit of hazardous criminals.

Special Enforcement Officers, or SEOs, represented the elite among the Sector Rangers. While Sector Rangers were confined to their assigned sectors, SEOs had no such limitations, allowing them to pursue criminals across jurisdictional boundaries. SEOs frequently collaborated with Jedi to bring the most dangerous criminals to justice, whether in local courthouses or Republic courtrooms.


A Judicial of the Department of Justice on Ontotho.

The Judicial Department possessed a wide array of equipment and vehicles. They operated Consular-class space cruisers with various modifications. Consulars primarily used for diplomatic missions were painted with distinctive red markings to indicate their diplomatic status, with the Radiant VII being one example.

Additionally, the Judicial Department deployed armed Consulars painted in gray. Blue transports identified as Republic landers were also in use. The Judicial Department also utilized the CR90 corvette with red livery. Judicials wore a standard blue cloth uniform and were often armed with a blaster rifle.


Early history

The Judicial Department and Jedi Order arrive on Ontotho.

Following the Jedi-Sith War, the galaxy entered a new era of peace under the reorganized Galactic Republic. After centralizing its operations on the galactic capital of Coruscant, the Jedi Order became an "extension" of the Judicial Department, ultimately accountable to the Galactic Senate. Despite this new time of peace, local conflicts still occurred sporadically. The Judicial Department was established around this period, and in the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, the Department initiated a significant public awareness campaign highlighting the threat posed by the Hutt Clan's criminal activities.

Eventually, conflict erupted on Ontotho between the Daa Corporation and the Ontothon government against the Fylar Freedom Fighters when Ontotho joined the Republic. The Jedi Eno Cordova and Cere Junda were dispatched to address the situation, but the conflict escalated into a battle for Ontotho. Republic and Jedi reinforcements, including at least three armed Consular-class space cruisers and several Republic landers, were deployed. The Republic forces engaged the Fylari's anti-ship emplacements, bringing the conflict to an end, albeit with the collapse of the region's surface and the loss of several lives.

Invasion of Naboo

Judicials prior to being killed above Naboo.

Later, Wilhuff Tarkin was a promising figure within the Judicial Department, on track to become provost marshal before he resigned to pursue politics, ultimately becoming the Governor of Eriadu. At the beginning of the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation against the planet Naboo, the Radiant VII, a Judicial Department Consular-class space cruiser commanded by Captain Maoi Madakor and Antidar Williams, transported Jedi ambassadors Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to the Saak'ak. As part of a scheme orchestrated by Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation destroyed the Radiant VII in an attempt to kill the Jedi, but failed.

Following the Battle of Naboo, Viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray faced multiple trials in the Republic courts overseen by the Department. However, these trials were widely perceived as unfair, with many Republic citizens viewing the repeated trials as excessive. This sentiment contributed to the growing support for the early stages of the Separatist Crisis.

Clone Wars

Judicial CR90 Corvettes were inducted into the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars.

Around the time the Clone Wars began, Foga Brill held the position of Director of Investigation within the Republic Office of Criminal Investigations. With the onset of the Clone Wars, the Republic established the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy, which assumed the military responsibilities previously handled by the Judicial Department. Many admirals, generals, and other commanders were recruited from the ranks of the Judicials. Lira Hardin, an engineer, previously served as a Judicial before transferring to the 9th Engineering Battalion within the Grand Army of the Republic.

However, despite the mass transfer to the Republic Military, some Judicials remained. Even during the height of the Clone Wars, peace officers were still needed to maintain law and order on Republic-aligned worlds. They enforced Republic laws on member worlds and hyperlanes, and their training made them capable of handling violent suspects.

Behind the scenes

The Judicial Department made its debut appearance in the 1999 Star Wars saga film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, and its identity was first established in the 2015 canon novel Tarkin.

