Sector Ranger

The Sector Rangers represented a law enforcement agency initially formed by the Galactic Republic before the outbreak of the Clone Wars.

Following the establishment of the New Republic, the Sector Rangers resumed their operations at some point before 19 ABY during the era when the New Republic governed.


During the time of the Galactic Republic, Sector Rangers were deployed to a particular sector of space and given the responsibility of hunting down criminals considered too perilous for local police forces. Functioning either independently or in small teams, they possessed the legal right to enlist the help of cooperative local individuals. The most skilled Rangers, known as Special Enforcement Officers (SEO), had the authority to cross sector boundaries while chasing after the individuals they were pursuing. These officers frequently collaborated with members of the Jedi Order to ensure that the most hazardous criminals faced justice in the courts.


The Sector Rangers stood as one of the most long-standing law enforcement organizations within the Galactic Republic. By the time the Separatist Crisis unfolded, they operated as a division within the Republic Office of Criminal Investigations (ROCI), which was itself a component of the Republic's Judicial Department.


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