Antidar Williams

Antidar Williams was a member of the human species and an enlisted person within the Judicial Forces of the Galactic Republic, undergoing instruction at the Judicial Academy located on the planetary body of Coruscant. During the year 32 BBY, he, along with Captain Maoi Madakor, took on the responsibility of flying the Consular-class space cruiser known as Radiant VII. Their mission involved the transportation of two Jedi representatives, specifically Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, to the Naboo system. The purpose of this voyage was to facilitate negotiations aimed at resolving the Trade Federation's military operation that had established a naval cordon around the planet of Naboo.

Following the vessel's connection to the Federation's command ship, identified as the Saak'ak, Williams and Madakor remained stationed within the Radiant VII. Tragically, both individuals met their demise when the spacecraft was subjected to a surprise attack and subsequently obliterated by a automated laser cannon mounted on the ceiling. This destructive act was carried out under the command of the Sith Lord known as Darth Sidious.


Judicial officer and pilot

Antidar Williams piloted the Radiant VII.

Antidar Williams, a human male hailing from the world of Barkhesh, held the position of an officer within the Judicial Department of the Galactic Republic. After his training at the Judicial Academy on Coruscant, the Republic's capital, Williams and other Judicials collaborated with the Galactic Senate's Diplomatic Corps and the Jedi Order's Council of Reconciliation to uphold peace in the galaxy.

In 32 BBY, he was selected to co-pilot the Diplomatic Corps Consular-class space cruiser Radiant VII alongside Captain Maoi Madakor while transporting Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to the Naboo system. The two Jedi were acting as ambassadors on behalf of Republic Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum in the hopes of negotiating an end to the Trade Federation's blockade of the planet Naboo.

Collateral damage

Upon arrival at the blockade, the Radiant VII linked up to one of the primary aircraft storage spaces located on the Trade Federation's command vessel, known as the Saak'ak. While the Jedi departed to engage in discussions with Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, Williams and Madakor remained within the cockpit of the cruiser. Upon discovering that the Jedi had been dispatched for negotiation purposes, Gunray made contact with his superior, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, who gave the order to eliminate the Republic delegation.

Williams was killed in the destruction of the Radiant VII.

Following Gunray's directives, a automated laser cannon descended from the roof of the aircraft storage space where the Radiant VII was situated and unleashed a barrage of fire upon the vessel. Williams immediately detected the impending assault and attempted to alert Madakor, who instructed him to engage the cruiser's protective energy fields. However, it was too late, and both individuals were instantly killed as the cruiser was destroyed. The Jedi managed to evade the Federation's attempt on their lives and escaped the Saak'ak, ultimately assisting in the defeat of the Federation following its invasion of Naboo.

Personality and traits

Antidar Williams had black hair, brown eyes, and light skin. He spoke with an aristocratic accent and stood 1.93 meters tall.


While on the Radiant VII, Williams wore a blue Judicial Forces uniform and was unarmed.

Behind the scenes

As Nute Gunray, Silas Carson was responsible for the death of Antidar Williams, whom he also portrayed.

The character of Antidar Williams was conceived for the 1999 film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which is part of the prequel trilogy. He was portrayed by Silas Carson. Although Carson initially auditioned for a separate, slightly more prominent pilot role that ended up not making it into the film, casting director Robin Gurland enjoyed the interview with him and so mentioned him to director George Lucas. Deciding that Carson looked like an interesting person, Lucas had him come back in for animatics and then gave him the part of the Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi instead.

Carson was later also given the roles of Nute Gunray and Senator Lott Dod, both of which, along with Mundi, required him to wear prosthetics that covered his face. Carson mentioned to Gurland that he would like for his actual face to appear in the film, so when it came time to cast Williams, Gurland asked him if he would like the role. All of the scenes in the cockpit of the Radiant VII were filmed on September 8, 1997.


Antidar Williams's first name is an anagram of his ship, the Radiant VII.

The name of the Antidar Williams character was first established within the new Star Wars canon through the mobile card game titled Star Wars: Force Collection, which was initially released in 2013. Despite the fact that the launch of Force Collection predates the Star Wars canon reset of 2014, Leland Chee, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, verified that the game was consistently updated to align with the established canon.

Within Star Wars Legends, Williams made an appearance prior to the film's debut in the novelization of The Phantom Menace, authored by Terry Brooks. The character was initially assigned a surname through the Coruscant Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game in 2001. Subsequently, the given name "Antidar" was created by a fan named Ian Tapley for the "What's The Story?" feature on Tapley initially desired that the character's first name be a tuckerization of his own name or one of his nicknames, but after being unable to come up with a satisfying result, he settled for an anagram of "radiant"—a reference to Williams's ship, the Radiant VII.

