
Barkhesh was the planet of origin, or homeworld, for the human Antidar Williams. Williams, a Judicial figure in the Galactic Republic, met his death in the Naboo system during 32 BBY.

Behind the scenes

Barkhesh originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity.

Within the current Star Wars canon, the world of Barkhesh is referenced inside "The Heroes of Naboo and Other Characters of the Galaxy." This reference is part of the Star Wars Encyclopedia series by De Agostini, which was released on August 19, 2022. Barkhesh originally appeared within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its initial mention occurred in "Scouts' Dispatch," a series of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game articles. These were authored by Peter Woodworth and published by West End Games in the Star Wars Adventure Journal. This specific installment was featured in the May 1995 sixth issue of the journal. The planet then made its first appearance in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, developed by Factor 5.


Notes and references
