Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (video game)

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, which is also known as Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D specifically for the PC platform, is a video game that made its debut on both the Nintendo 64 console and the PC on December 7, 1998. Notably, it was among the initial games on the Nintendo 64 to leverage the console's Expansion Pak, a feature that enabled the display of enhanced graphics during gameplay.

The narrative unfolds in the period bridging Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. It commences half a year after the Battle of Yavin (excluding the bonus and hidden levels), and it chronicles the missions undertaken during the establishment of Rogue Squadron, under the leadership of Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles.

In 1999, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron was awarded the Origins Award as the Best Action Computer Game of 1998.

Plot summary

Rogue Squadron (Nintendo 64) screenshot


Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is situated in the time of the war involving the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Taking place six months following the Battle of Yavin, the pilots of Rogue Squadron find themselves in a critical struggle for the Rebellion's very existence. As the Empire amasses its forces for a comprehensive assault on the Rebel factions, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles come together to establish Rogue Squadron, a unit consisting of twelve of the Rebel Alliance's most accomplished X-wing operators.

Six years following the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance has successfully formed the New Republic, which now holds authority over three-quarters of the galaxy. Following the demise of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Galactic Empire suffered a collapse, only to be resurrected under the guidance of a mysterious new figure. Rogue Squadron, now under Wedge Antilles' command, persists in its fight against the Empire to safeguard the newly established Republic.


In the time six months following the Battle of Yavin, Rogue Squadron has a brief encounter with Imperial forces at the Mos Eisley spaceport located on Tatooine. Subsequently, the team is tasked with the responsibility of escorting essential supplies on Barkhesh. Soon after, Rogue Squadron provides assistance in the search for the vessel named Nonnah and the rescue of its crew on Chorax.

Later, the Rebels come to know that Imperial officer Crix Madine desires to defect and join the Rebel Alliance. As a result, the Empire initiates an attack on Corellia, the location where Madine is concealing himself, with the aim of preventing his departure. Rogue Squadron, supported by Han Solo and Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon, successfully repelled the Empire's forces and ensured Madine's safe extraction from the planet. Shortly thereafter, Rogue Squadron is reinforced by Gold Squadron, a group of Y-wings now under the leadership of Crix Madine; they are deployed to the moon of Gerrard V to support its struggle for independence from the Empire. While in the process of neutralizing Imperial yachts above Gerrard V, the Rebel force came into contact with the 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron. During the conflict, the TIE fighter piloted by Imperial pilot Kasan Moor was disabled by Gold Squadron. Upon being informed by Rogue Squadron that she was now a prisoner, Moor proposed to defect and provide the Rebel Alliance with valuable intelligence pertaining to Imperial targets.

Leveraging the intelligence provided by Kasan Moor, the Alliance launched three successive assaults on Imperial bases scattered throughout the galaxy. Following an attack on the Imperial Enclave, a facility situated on Kile II that provided support for the Empire's Naval operations, Wedge Antilles was caught in an ambush by a squadron of TIE fighters and was taken as a prisoner. The Rebel Alliance managed to trace Antilles to an Imperial detention complex located on the planet of Kessel. Rogue Squadron orchestrated a rescue mission on Kessel, successfully freeing Wedge Antilles before he could be transferred to an Imperial prison.

With Wedge Antilles liberated and Rogue Squadron restored to its full operational capacity, the Rebel Alliance shifted its focus to a new threat posed by the Empire—Moff Kohl Seerdon. Seerdon had been consolidating the Empire's authority in anticipation of a planned assault aimed at seizing Thyferra, a planet responsible for producing the healing substance known as bacta. Rogue Squadron received orders to disrupt his operations through a series of hit-and-run missions directed against crucial targets located on Taloraan and Fest.

In response, Seerdon imposed a blockade on a city situated on the planet of Chandrila. Rogue Squadron and the Alliance retaliated by launching a raid, devised by Kasan Moor, on an Imperial base concealed within a volcano on Sullust. However, while on Sullust, General Carlist Rieekan informed Rogue Squadron that Moff Seerdon had used their raid as a diversion and had initiated his attack on Thyferra. With Seerdon gaining control over the planet's bacta supply and their own supply under threat, Rogue Squadron swiftly made their way to Thyferra, where they eliminated Seerdon and liberated the planet from his oppressive rule.

Six years after the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron, now led by Wedge Antilles, pressed on with their fight against the wounded Empire. On the planet of Dac, innovative Imperial weapons known as World Devastators were in the process of decimating the planet. Rogue Squadron played a pivotal role in disabling all three Devastators and eradicating the Imperial presence.


Chapter I

Ambush at Mos Eisley

"Ambush at Mos Eisley": Rogue Squadron gets caught up in a battle between the Imperials and the natives.

This particular mission is designed as a training ground where players can immediately engage in action and hone their aiming and targeting skills.

  • Briefing : The setting for this mission is Tatooine, Luke Skywalker's home planet, a desolate and unforgiving desert world that is scorched by twin suns situated in the Outer Rim. Tatooine has only recently been colonized because of its advantageous location near several hyperspace routes. Its largest spaceport city, Mos Eisley, serves as a central hub for interstellar commerce and is inhabited by a mix of pirates, thieves, and smugglers.

  • Description : Embark on an early-morning patrol over Mos Eisley alongside Wedge Antilles, but remain vigilant for any signs of suspicious activity.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Rendezvous on Barkhesh

"Rendezvous on Barkhesh": These supplies must make it to the shuttle before it's too late.

This mission serves as the introduction of significant adversaries, such as the AT-ST. Moreover, it presents the challenge of protecting a moving target.

  • Briefing : You will be undertaking this mission on Barkhesh, a planet renowned for its sweltering, humid, tropical jungles in its southern regions. The local resistance operating there is in the process of transporting supplies that are critically needed by the Rebellion. The Empire is prepared to exert every effort to halt this transfer and has deployed Imperial scout walkers within the planet's canyons.

  • Description : Provide an escort for vital Rebel supplies as they traverse perilous Imperial territory across the humid landscapes of Barkhesh.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold :

The Search for the Nonnah

"The Search for the Nonnah": The A-Wings can swoop in and make a quick getaway.

This mission introduces substantial protection tasks, which are centered around defending a specific target.

  • Briefing : In this particular mission, you will be navigating the lakes of Chorax in an attempt to locate a downed Rebel ship, racing against the Imperials who are also searching for it. The Chorax system is located within the Rachuk sector and is comprised of a medium-sized star and a single planet. It has become a sanctuary for pirates and smugglers.

  • Description : Engage in a race against time to recover the crew and cargo of a downed Rebel ship prior to the Imperials reaching it first!

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Defection at Corellia

"Defection at Corellia": The Capitol Tower must be protected at all costs from the Empire.

In this scenario, players encounter their first significant challenge: the AT-AT.

  • Briefing : This planet is the native world of Han Solo, General Crix Madine, and Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron. Corellia, with its undulating hills, vast oceans, and expansive cities, is a pleasant locale in the galaxy. The Corellian system is recognized for its swift ships, shrewd traders, and pirates. The planet's extensive shipyards attracted the attention of the Empire, leading to its invasion and occupation.

  • Description : Imperial officer Crix Madine wishes to join the Rebel Alliance, but the Empire is determined to prevent him from doing so. Safeguard Corellia from destruction as Madine successfully escapes.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Liberation of Gerrard V

"Liberation of Gerrard V": The Imperials must be destroyed and the planet protected from future bombardment.

This introductory chapter concludes with another level centered around destroying enemy ships.

Briefing: This mission places you in opposition to a skilled Imperial ace, Kasan Moor. You will be piloting your craft above Gerrard V, a planet characterized by deserts and oceans covering its surface. Its topography is marked by elevated areas, referred to as towers, and low-lying depressions, known as saddles. Gerrard V, inhabited by Rebel sympathizers, once initiated a revolt against the Empire, but this insurrection was suppressed by orbital bombardments originating from Imperial Star Destroyers.

  • Description : The imperial governor is looting the city, using his luxury yachts to transport stolen goods. Help the citizens of Gerrard V keep their rightful treasures, and stop the empire in it's tracks.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Chapter II

The Jade Moon

"The Jade Moon": The X-Wings move towards the Imperial base.

This mission raises the stakes for seasoned players to utilize their newly acquired skills by incorporating larger targets, speed, protection, and evasion.

  • Briefing : Your next mission will commence on a moon of Loronar, which hosts construction facilities where the Empire's most formidable warships and specialized weapons platforms are manufactured. The surface of this moon is characterized by rocky valleys, deep canyons, and craters.

  • Description : Lt. Kasan Moor has supplied rogue squadron with the location of an imperial moon base. General madine will lead the ground raid, rogue squadron provides air support.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Imperial Construction Yards

"Imperial Construction Yards": AT-ATs under construction

In this mission, players are required to employ stealth and execute a challenging surprise attack to achieve success.

  • Briefing : This mission directs you over the facilities of Balmorra, a factory planet dedicated to constructing advanced weapons of destruction for the Imperial forces. Situated at the Outer Edge of the Galactic Core within the Balmorra system, Balmorra's plains are characterized by numerous canyons, mountains, and industrial structures. Despite being occupied by the Empire, the inhabitants of Balmorra aspire to independence and open markets for their renowned weapons technology.

  • Description : kasan moor's information has once again provided the location of a hidden enemy base, responsible for the production of imperial walkers. Watch out for the ground scanners.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Assault on Kile II

"Assault on Kile II": The relay stations of Kile II

The pilot is introduced to the Y-wing, giving more diversity for the player to enjoy.

  • Briefing : On this planet, you will be attacking the Imperial Enclave, a massive facility that supports the Empire's naval operations in that sector of the galaxy. The surface of Kile II is characterized by canyons and expansive, enclosed areas, where you'll encounter the Imperial spaceport, a long-range sensor post, and troop barracks. Towards the conclusion of the mission, Rogue Squadron's second-in-command, Wedge Antilles is shot down and captured by the Imperials.

  • Description : The deep canyons of Kile II hide the imperial enclave, a sprawling facility supporting the empire's navy throughout this sector. Destroy key elements and help break the empire's hold on the local planets.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Rescue on Kessel

"Rescue on Kessel": One of Kessel's train lines, which must be disabled at all costs

As the first of two levels set on Kessel, this mission evaluates the player's proficiency in utilizing the secondary weapon: the ion cannon.

  • Briefing : This mission transports you to the reddish, potato-shaped planet of Kessel, which is home to a notorious Imperial prison facility. Kessel's surface is covered with salt flats and marked by deep craters and mines. The thin atmosphere of this inhospitable planet is barely breathable, necessitating the construction of special factories to generate oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.

  • Description : You must find wedge before the imperials deliver him to the prison facilities - and certain death!

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Prisons of Kessel

"Prisons of Kessel": The Rebels must be freed from these prisons.

As the second of two levels taking place on Kessel, this mission assesses the player's capabilities in protection missions and aerial combat.

  • Briefing : In this mission, you will once again be flying over Kessel, one of the few planets where glitterstim spice is produced. This valuable substance is prized for giving telepathic abilities to anyone who consumes it, although users can become addicted to it. Before joining the Rebel forces, Han Solo used to smuggle glitterstim spice from Kessel. The Empire uses forced labor to mine this spice, and guards it heavily.

  • Description : Now that Wedge is safe, help General madine free other rebels from the notorious prisons of kessel.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Chapter III

Battle above Taloraan

"Battle Above Taloraan": Taloraan, home of tibanna mines

This mission features a departure from the usual terrain, or rather, the absence of it. Here, pilots are granted greater freedom in flight, which can be both advantageous and challenging. Aerial combat is essential for success in this mission.

  • Briefing : In this high-altitude mission, you will be flying in the cloudy atmosphere of Taloraan, a massive gas planet with a strong magnetic field located in the Kelavine system of the Expansion Region. The planet's tibanna is breathable at high altitudes and is also utilized in the production of weapons.

  • Description : In the skies above taloraan, fight the empire for control of the tibanna gas platforms, but be careful not to harm the civilian operations there!

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Escape from Fest

"Escape from Fest": AT-PTs run from AT-ATs.

This is a notoriously difficult level where players are required to confront AT-ATs, TIE fighters, and TIE bombers while simultaneously protecting a trio of extremely vulnerable rogue AT-PTs.

  • Briefing : This mission transports you to a planet situated in the Atrivis sector of the Outer Rim, near the Mantooine system. The landscape of Fest is characterized by enormous, steep mountains and valleys. Atop one of these mountains, the Empire operates a highly classified Weapons Research Facility, where experiments are conducted to develop new metal alloys. Among the inhabitants of Fest is a resistance group that opposes the Empire.

  • Description : During the Taloraan operation, a team of rebel commandoes stole several AT-PTs from an imperial base on fest. Unfortunately, their escape did not proceed as well as they expected...

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Blockade on Chandrila

"Blockade on Chandrila": X-Wings rush to protect the city from TIE Bombers.

Chandrila involves protecting another train and a city from Imperial forces.

  • Briefing : You and Rogue Squadron will be dispatched to the rural agricultural planet of Chandrila, situated in the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds. This sparsely populated planet, known for its natural beauty, features two large continents surrounded by oceans, with expansive plains covered by grasses and forests. While the inhabitants of Chandrila are peace-loving, they have openly supported the Rebels against the Empire.

  • Description : Moff seerdon has chosen to hold the Chandrila hostage, in an attempt to make the rebellion pay for its raid on Fest. You must help the innocent people of Chandrila, protect the supply train, and stop the Empire!

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Raid on Sullust

"Raid on Sullust": Sullust is a hot place, and the next mission for Rogue Squadron.

Difficult dogfights, a large amount of defensive measures, and difficult terrain make Sullust a difficult mission. The Y-wing is an easy target, but players must navigate through Imperial forces to bomb their targets.

  • Briefing : In this mission, you will navigate through the dense, hot, and dark clouds above Sullust, a bleak volcanic planet located in the Sullust system. With the planet's surface enshrouded in toxic gases, the millions of native Sullustans have established a vast underground network of caves and cities. These stunning subterranean sites are popular tourist destinations. Sullustans are amiable, outgoing creatures with jowls, mouse-like ears, and large round eyes, and are highly regarded as navigators due to their exceptional memory for paths they have traversed.

  • Description : Kasan moor is engineering an assault on a volcano base on Sullust, in a retaliatory attack for the blockade on Chandrila.

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Moff Seerdon's Revenge

"Moff Seerdon's Revenge": X-wings fly low to destroy gun emplacements.

This mission involves protecting bacta tanks and dogfighting Imperials on a much higher level of difficulty. Thyferra also offers players a chance to fight against Moff Seerdon, a boss.

  • Briefing : The setting for this mission is Thyferra, a foggy, humid world characterized by dense, tropical rain forests. This Polith system planet is inhabited by the insect-like Vratix, who developed a remarkable fluid known as bacta. This miracle liquid possesses the ability to heal every medical condition, from minor scratches to life-threatening emergencies. Unsurprisingly, bacta has become highly sought-after by medical clinics throughout the galaxy, as well as by cartels seeking to control the galactic bacta industry for immense profits.

  • Description : By leading rogue squadron to Sullust, Moof seerdon has secretly captured the bacta supplies of Thyferra, and now intends to cut off medical supplies to the alliance. Free Thyfeera, and defeat seerdon once and for all!

  • Mission Objectives :

  • Requirements for Gold

Chapter IV

The Battle of Calamari

"The Battle of Calamari" : World Devastators under attack by V-wings

The ultimate "mission" presents challenging aerial combat in V-wing fighters, culminating in a massive showdown against the colossal World Devastators.

  • Briefing: In this intense confrontation with the Empire, Rogue Squadron will engage in combat on Mon Calamari, a predominantly aquatic planet. This water-covered world is home to two sentient species: the Mon Calamari, a peaceful race residing on islands and in floating cities, and the cautious Quarren, who dwell in the ocean's depths and possess the ability to breathe both air and water. The Mon Calamari construct immense starships and warships at their orbital shipyards, making them invaluable allies to the Rebel Alliance.

  • Description: The destructive World Devastators are unleashing chaos upon the tranquil world of Mon Calamari. Take on the role of Wedge Antilles and bravely confront overwhelming odds to thwart their malevolent invasion.

  • Mission Objectives:

  • Requirements for Gold

Secret levels

Beggar's Canyon

"Beggar's Canyon": The T-16 skyhopper flies towards the famous canyon.

The initial hidden level serves almost as a mini-game, focusing on racing rather than aerial combat variations.

  • Description: Pilot your T-16 Skyhopper through Beggar's Canyon in a thrilling race! Compete against Zev, Dack, or Wedge to prove your skills.

  • Unlock Method:

Achieve bronze medals on all preceding levels.

  • Mission Objectives:

  • Requirements for Gold

The Death Star Trench Run

"The Death Star Trench Run": The X-wing re-enacts the final moments of A New Hope.

The second hidden level allows players to relive the Rogues' initial triumph: the Battle of Yavin.

  • Description: Navigate the treacherous Death Star trench, neutralizing as many laser cannons as possible. If the trench guns cease firing, expect a swarm of TIE fighters to engage you. Proceed through the trench until you reach the exhaust port area. Best of luck, and may the Force be with you.

  • Unlock Method:

Secure silver medals on all previous levels.

  • Mission Objectives:

  • Requirements for Gold

The Battle of Hoth

"The Battle of Hoth": The Imperial ground forces march towards Echo Base.

The third hidden level places players in the midst of the Rogues' costly endeavor: the Battle of Hoth.

  • Description: Experience the Battle of Hoth from the cockpit of your snowspeeder, as you fend off Imperial forces and aid the Rebel transports in their escape.

  • Unlock Method:

Obtain gold medals on all prior levels.

  • Mission Objectives:

  • Requirements for Gold


The Nintendo 64 version's secret bonus level offers players control of an Imperial AT-ST in a peculiar mini-game focused on "Destroying Everything in Sight." This encompasses obliterating an Imperial base composed of a radar array, guarded by Probe droids, Turbolasers, and Stormtroopers, demolishing a Jawa settlement, razing a small town, and annihilating a Rebel base defended by tanks and laser turrets.

  • Unlock Method

Enter CHICKEN as the passcode.

  • Mission Objectives:


In contrast to the Star Wars: X-Wing computer game series, which prioritizes space combat simulation, Rogue Squadron delivers a high-octane, arcade-style action experience. Each of the game's sixteen levels presents mission objectives that must be accomplished to advance to the subsequent level. These objectives fall into four categories: search and destroy, reconnaissance, rescue, and protect. Enemy aircraft primarily consist of TIE fighters and probe droids. Ground defenses exhibit greater diversity, encompassing three distinct walkers, laser and missile turrets, stormtroopers, and speeder bikes.

Players can pilot five different craft without resorting to cheat codes: the X-wing, A-wing, Y-wing, Snowspeeder, and V-wing. Each vehicle boasts a unique armament configuration, along with varying degrees of speed and maneuverability. Initially, the game restricts players to a specific craft for each level; however, upon completing a level, they can replay it using any available craft. Levels set on airless moons expose the player's craft to the vacuum of space, but as in other levels, vertical movement is limited. Nine bonus power-ups are concealed within different levels throughout the game. These bonuses enhance a craft's weapons or durability and remain active for each eligible craft for the duration of the game.

The player's performance is continuously assessed, and statistics are compared against three medal benchmarks after each level. Each benchmark comprises five categories: completion time, number of enemies destroyed, shot accuracy, number of friendly craft and structures saved, and number of bonuses collected. If a player's performance surpasses one of the level's three benchmarks in all five categories, a medal—bronze, silver, or gold—is awarded upon completion. Earning these medals elevates the player's rank and aids in unlocking hidden content.

Unlockable content

Several unlockable vehicles make appearances in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. By entering specific text-based cheat codes, players can unlock the Millennium Falcon, a TIE/IN interceptor, an AT-ST (exclusively available in a secret bonus mission on the Nintendo 64, but usable on all levels except Taloraan on PC), a 1969 Buick Electra (replacing the V-wing airspeeder, while retaining its handling and functionality), a T-16 skyhopper (only accessible in an unlockable bonus mission), and an N-1 starfighter. With the release of The Phantom Menace, Naboo Starfighters were revealed to the public. Factor 5, anticipating the movie's 1999 release, programmed the unlockable extra and released the code in conjunction with the film. While fans discovered many of the secret vehicles in the five months between the game's release and that of Episode I, the Naboo Starfighter remained elusive due to its unique unlocking method. Unlocking the first two vehicles required entering a clever or humorous password, confirmed by R2-D2's beeps. However, unlocking the Naboo Starfighter demanded two consecutive codes composed of seemingly random alphanumerics, without R2-D2's confirmation after the first code.

In the PC version, the Naboo Starfighter is only accessible by installing the Rogue Squadron Update 1.2. Many cheat codes differ from those in the Nintendo version. Some were uncovered through collaborative efforts by fans using the RogueSpy mod, available at Secrets of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, which also provides various original PC utilities for the game.


Following the success of Shadows of the Empire on the Nintendo 64 in 1996, LucasArts initiated planning for a follow-up. At that time, Factor 5 was developing a game engine for creating expansive terrain maps. Impressed with previous collaborations, LucasArts opted to utilize Factor 5's engine for their new game. The game would emphasize space combat, inspired by a level in Shadows of the Empire where the player pilots a Snowspeeder during the Battle of Hoth. Brett Tosti, Rogue Squadron and Factor 5 production manager, stated, "That whole scene was actually the genesis for Rogue Squadron because everybody said, 'why don't you do a whole game like that?' So we did." Factor 5 initially proposed allowing gamers to play through missions mirroring fan-favorite action sequences from the Star Wars films, but this was rejected. Lucasfilm Ltd. was not yet comfortable with video games directly adapting the films. Factor 5 initially intended for Wedge Antilles to be the primary player, but Howard Roffman of Lucasfilm believed players would identify more readily with a more prominent Star Wars character. Factor 5 agreed to make Luke Skywalker the protagonist.

The Nintendo 64's Expansion Pak allows gameplay at a higher resolution.

Early in development, designers discovered Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron, a comic series set during the original film trilogy. Using these comics as inspiration, Factor 5 began developing a game with a similar setting, featuring characters from the films in original missions. In May 1998, a demo of the game was showcased at E3, but Tosti considered it a mere tech demo due to its incompleteness. It displayed a basic heightmap and a static AT-AT model, while TIE fighters lacking artificial intelligence flew and fired along a predetermined path. When "playing" the demo for audiences, Tosti carefully followed a specific flight path to create the illusion of engaging the TIEs in combat. Despite the demo's rudimentary presentation, the response from gamers was largely positive.

Factor 5 requested Nintendo's permission to utilize the Nintendo 64's newly developed memory Expansion Pak. Initially hesitant, Nintendo anticipated reserving the technology solely for hardware peripherals. However, after Iguana Entertainment employed the Expansion Pak to achieve a higher display resolution for Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Factor 5 received approval. The Expansion Pak enhances Rogue Squadron's Nintendo resolution from 320 × 240 to 640 × 480.

Lucasfilm initially hesitated to grant access to the Star Wars sound effects library for the game's sound designer, Rudolph Stember. As a compromise, they provided Stember with sounds sampled at a relatively low rate of 22 kHz, half the standard rate. Stember objected, arguing that the clips sounded inferior to effects he had extracted from VHS tapes for a previous Star Wars project. The game features voice work from notable individuals, including screen actors Olivia Hussey and Raphael Sbarge, as well as voice actors Bob Bergen, Neil Ross, and Terence McGovern. Instead of relying on Nintendo's default sound drivers, Factor 5 developed their own tool called MOsys FX Surround. The Factor 5 drivers utilize Nintendo 64 processors but with reduced strain, and advanced compression techniques were implemented. Consequently, the game boasts over 80 minutes of high-quality stereo sound.

In November 1998, a month before the game's scheduled release, LucasArts entered into a worldwide agreement with Nintendo concerning three new Star Wars video games. Nintendo acquired the rights to market the games and hold exclusive, worldwide distribution rights for five years following each release. Rogue Squadron was the first game released under this agreement.


Luke Skywalker crashes after being shot down, leading to a either a point-of-impact restart or a mission failure.

Throughout much of the game, players will hear the distance "one-seven-decimal-two-eight" (during Blockade on Chandrila, Kasan Moor says, "Enemy fighters at one-seven-decimal-two-eight!"). In Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, during the Battle of Hoth, General Veers inquires, "Distance to power generator?," and the AT-AT pilot responds, "one-seven-decimal-two-eight."

In the "Death Star Trench Run" level, based on the Battle of Yavin, Wedge Antilles exclaims "We just lost Rogue Nine!" at one point, even though Luke and Wedge were part of Red Squadron at that time; Rogue Squadron would not be formed until after the Death Star's destruction.

During the Battle of Mon Calamari, Wedge leads Rogue Squadron in V-Wings to the planet's surface and destroys three World Devastators by disabling their shields and destroying the ships' "legs." However, in Star Wars: Dark Empire, Wedge serves with Lando Calrissian aboard a Star Destroyer, while Tycho Celchu commands Rogue Squadron. Additionally, V-wings are depicted descending onto Mon Calamari from orbit, despite their inability to perform space flight. Furthermore, the World Devastators lack detail; one is supposed to be large enough to destroy a Star Destroyer with its "jaw," but in the game, the "jaw" is only large enough to swallow what appears to be a Corellian Corvette. Wedge also refers to his R5 unit as "Mynock," but during the Bacta War in 7 ABY, Mynock's factory code name was discovered, and it was renamed "Gate."


Upon its release in early December 1998, the Nintendo 64 version of Rogue Squadron ranked as the second-highest-selling video game for the first half of the month (behind Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) and the holiday season. Following a delay until after Christmas in the United Kingdom, the game was released in mid-January and debuted as the second-best-selling game of the month, surpassing Ocarina of Time. In August 1999, Nintendo included the title in its best-selling Player's Choice collection. The game's producer, Julian Eggebrecht, did not anticipate Rogue Squadron's retail success, stating that it sold "about 100 times better than anybody expected."




