An Imperial TIE interceptor pilot of exceptional skill, Kasan Moor served as the lieutenant within the distinguished ranks of the 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron. The annihilation of her home planet, Alderaan, at the hands of the Empire's formidable Death Star, ignited within Moor a deep-seated aversion to the Empire. This ultimately led her to defect to the cause of the Rebel Alliance amidst their successful liberation of Gerrard V.
Her extensive knowledge of Imperial installations, coupled with her remarkable piloting abilities, made her a prime candidate for inclusion in Rogue Flight, the Alliance's elite starfighter squadron commanded by Lieutenant Commander Luke Skywalker. As Rogue Seven, Moor spearheaded the Alliance through a series of triumphant guerilla operations targeting various Imperial outposts. Following her crucial role in the downfall of Moff Kohl Seerdon, Moor stepped down from active duty in Rogue Flight, assuming the role of advisor to Mon Mothma, the esteemed Chief of the Rebel Alliance. Years later, she once again took to the skies with the Rogues during the intense Battle of Calamari.
During her time as a pilot for the Empire, Moor attained the rank of lieutenant. After demonstrating exceptional skill, she was entrusted with the leadership of the 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron, a unit later described by Rogue Squadron member Wes Janson as "the best of the best." One notable mission during her Imperial service involved identifying potential targets for Imperial acquisition on the gas giant Taloraan. The reputation of Moor and the 128th was so high that they were cited in the official Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide as examples of peak pilot and machine performance.
The destruction of her home world, Alderaan, by the first Death Star fundamentally altered her perspective on the Empire. Assigned to suppress a rebel uprising on Gerrard V, Kasan's TIE Interceptor sustained damage from repeated ion cannon fire courtesy of Gold Squadron pilot Crix Madine. When Madine compelled Moor to surrender, she voiced her dissatisfaction with the Empire's ideals and offered to defect to the Alliance.

Kasan's transition to Rebel service occurred during the Liberation of Gerrard V, facilitated by a Y-wing piloted by Crix Madine. She contributed her TIE interceptor to the Alliance Fleet and shared her knowledge of Imperial installations with Rogue Flight, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Luke Skywalker. Her expertise and skill as a starfighter pilot led to her acceptance into the squadron as Rogue Seven. Her insights were instrumental in a raid targeting an Imperial storage facility on the Jade Moon. Despite initial distrust from Rogue pilot Wedge Antilles, Moor consistently proved her loyalty by aiding the Rogues in assaults on Balmorra and Kile II.
Moor played a role in the rescue of Antilles from Imperial prisons on Kessel after his capture on Kile II. With the Rogues back at full strength, Moor supported operations against Taloraan and Fest, aimed at depleting the resources of Imperial Moff Kohl Seerdon, who was consolidating his forces for a major offensive against the Alliance's bacta supply on the jungle planet Thyferra. She directly confronted Seerdon during his retaliatory strike on Chandrila, the homeworld of Alliance founder Mon Mothma. Seerdon argued that her defection was a mistake and a waste of her potential. Although Moor was determined to pursue Seerdon, Luke Skywalker convinced her to reconsider.
Moor's intelligence was crucial in another raid against Imperial assets, this time targeting the Capacitor on the volcanic world of Sullust. Seerdon exploited this raid, using the Rebellion's focus on Sullust to seize the Alliance's bacta supply on Thyferra. Moor participated in the struggle to recover the bacta. During the conflict, her X-wing starfighter was downed by Imperial forces, but she survived the crash. Years later, Moor once again flew with the Rogues during the Battle of Calamari.
Olivia Hussey lent her voice to Kasan Moor in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. Her voice is only heard through radio communications with other pilots, accompanying external shots of the various ships she flies in the game. A still photograph of Moor appears in the character biographies section of the Nintendo 64 version of the game (absent from the Windows version) and in the game's Official Nintendo Player's Guide. The model in the photo is not Olivia Hussey. The helmet she wears is identical to Jek Porkins' from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, matching the photo of the worn helmet prop in the Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy book. The Red Leader seen in the Star Tours attraction also sports the same helmet.
According to game designer and writer Ryan Kaufman, Kasan Moor's name was inspired by the radio station KSAN. He jokingly described Moor as being relegated to the "La Brea Tar Pits" of minor videogame characters, due to her creation for a single video game and limited appearances in other media. Kaufman provided insights into Moor's life between the Attack on Thyferra and the Battle of Calamari, suggesting that her involvement in the latter was a personal favor for Wedge Antilles, unrecorded in New Republic archives.
Despite appearing with Rogue Squadron in Forces of Corruption, the hero unit lacks female vocals; her audio consists of lines originally spoken by Dak Ralter in The Empire Strikes Back.
Unused audio files within the Rogue Squadron game data reveal that Kasan Moor had over forty confirmed kills during her time in the 128th, specializing in shooting down Y-Wings, prior to her defection on Gerrard V.