During the Galactic Civil War, around 1 ABY, the Imperial forces launched an attack and subsequently occupied Thyferra. This offensive, which was the culmination of several weeks of planning on the part of Moff Kohl Seerdon to seize the Rebel Alliance's vital bacta resources, dealt a severe blow to the Alliance's pharmaceutical capabilities. Despite the fact that Seerdon's military strength had been significantly weakened due to repeated guerrilla attacks carried out by the elite Alliance starfighter squadron Rogue Squadron, he managed to invade the planet with relative ease by strategically misleading the Alliance into diverting their military assets to the Sullust system.
Rogue Squadron was swiftly deployed with the mission of reclaiming the bacta supply. A hard-fought battle ensued, during which the Rogues successfully expelled the Imperial forces from the planet, while keeping civilian casualties to a minimum. In a desperate final attempt, Seerdon personally entered the fray aboard his customized Sentinel-class landing craft to directly confront Luke Skywalker, the Commander of Rogue Squadron. Skywalker emerged victorious in the subsequent aerial duel, effectively bringing the Thyferra occupation to an end.
Moff Kohl Seerdon of the Empire had been formulating plans for an assault on Thyferra for a considerable period. The Rebel Alliance's intelligence services quickly became aware of this, prompting a series of raids on Imperial territories, spearheaded by Rogue Squadron under the command of Luke Skywalker. These operations were initiated with the aim of depleting the resources of the cunning Moff.
A raid targeting the Imperial tibanna gas platforms located on the gas giant Taloraan resulted in a significant reduction in Seerdon's firepower, as tibanna was essential for powering blasters. Concurrently, a raid on Fest led to the destruction of Seerdon's weapons research facility and the theft of three AT-PT walkers. This particular operation ignited Seerdon's fury, prompting him to retaliate with an attack on a Chandrilan city, the home of Mon Mothma, the Chief of State of the Alliance. In response to the sudden assault on Chandrila, Rogue Squadron launched an attack on the massive Capacitor situated within a volcano on Sullust. This operation, masterminded by Kasan Moor, an Imperial defector possessing extensive knowledge of Imperial ground operations, proved successful, resulting in the Capacitor's destruction.
While the Alliance forces maintained their position on Sullust, Seerdon amassed his remaining troops and resources, launching a final offensive against Thyferra. The Alliance's bacta supply was swiftly overwhelmed, and a substantial ground force was deployed to secure the area. General Carlist Rieekan of the Alliance informed Rogue Squadron of Seerdon's actions, prompting their immediate deployment to reclaim the bacta. The ensuing clash between Rebel and Imperial forces proved devastating for the Imperials: not a single walker, TIE/LN starfighter, turbolaser emplacement, or stormtrooper bunker survived the engagement. The Imperials suffered at least 55 casualties; in stark contrast, Rogue Squadron sustained the loss of only one X-wing, and even then, the pilot, Kasan Moor, managed to survive the crash.
During the defense of the bacta tanks, Rogue Squadron proceeded to demolish a nearby Imperial bunker, subsequently recovering seeker cluster missiles from the wreckage.
With the entire Imperial garrison in the vicinity eliminated, Moff Seerdon decided to personally confront Commander Skywalker. He arrived on the planet aboard his customized Sentinel-class landing craft, modified for combat applications. Challenging Skywalker to a one-on-one dogfight, Seerdon engaged the Rogue commander in the skies above his shattered army. As the battle progressed, Seerdon attempted to persuade Skywalker to abandon the Alliance, arguing that his talents were being wasted, and offered him a position within the Imperial Navy. As it became increasingly clear that Skywalker's piloting skills surpassed Seerdon's, Seerdon declared that even if the Rebellion were to prevail, the Empire would ultimately crush them. Shortly thereafter, his shuttle was destroyed in mid-air.
This level from Star Wars: Rogue Squadron foreshadows the Bacta War, another conflict between Rogue Squadron and renegade Imperial forces determined to control the galaxy's bacta supply, as depicted in the novel X-Wing: The Bacta War.