Search for the Nonnah

The Quest for the Nonnah unfolded around 1 ABY. During combat over Chorax with Imperial forces, the Rebel Alliance starship known as Nonnah sustained damage, resulting in a forced landing on the planet's surface. Carrying both captured Imperial technology and Rebel troops, the Nonnah held strategic importance for both the Alliance and the Empire. The subsequent search operation centered on the planet's river valleys.

To retrieve survivors, the Alliance dispatched Rogue Squadron, under the command of Luke Skywalker, along with an evacuation shuttle. Conversely, the Empire deployed a TIE bombers squadron and a Sentinel-class landing craft carrying a ground assault team, aiming to obliterate the vessel and prevent the Rebellion from acquiring the stolen assets. Rogue Squadron successfully delayed the bombing runs and ground forces, facilitating the safe departure of the shuttle with the survivors.

Initial Events

Following the successful Rendezvous on Barkhesh, approximately six months after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance expanded its influence on worlds overlooked by the Galactic Empire. Around 1 ABY, a risky operation resulted in a crash landing, requiring pilots from Rogue Squadron to intervene. The starship Nonnah, transporting stolen Imperial equipment and Rebel troops, went down in the river valleys of the planet Chorax. The Empire deemed the ship's contents invaluable, opting to destroy them rather than risk them falling into Rebel hands.

Commander Luke Skywalker led Rogue Squadron, flying A-wings, to Chorax with the mission of securing the equipment and troops before the Empire could. Imperial forces also launched their own search for the Nonnah. Near the northern lake, numerous Imperial probe droids were deployed to scout the area.

The Conflict

As Rogue Squadron navigated a canyon near the Nonnah's estimated location, they were immediately engaged by six TIE Interceptors. The Rogues engaged the TIEs, destroying many of them. The Rebel pilots also took on the probe droids. There were three potential crash sites in the vicinity. The Nonnah was soon located at one of them. Both Rogue Squadron and the Imperials converged on the site of the wrecked starship, which was partially submerged in the water, stern-first. A Sentinel-class landing craft landed on the opposite bank of the river and deployed an AT-ST walker and three XR-85 tank droids to engage the Rebels. The Rogues eliminated the Imperial forces while a Rebel Lambda-class shuttle landed to extract the crew of the Nonnah. Eight TIE/sa bombers arrived to reinforce the Imperial presence and initiated bombing runs targeting the Nonnah and the rescue shuttle. Skywalker used his craft's concussion missiles to destroy the AT-ST and the tank droids.

The crashed Nonnah

The TIE bombers began their initial attack run in pairs. As the second wave prepared to attack, the landing craft deployed three AT-PTs to bolster the bombers' firepower. Despite the overwhelming numbers, the Rogues downed all the TIE bombers and successfully held off the remaining Imperial forces long enough for the shuttle to complete its evacuation.

As the shuttle departed, another squadron of TIE interceptors gave chase. Rogue Squadron provided an escort for the shuttle to the designated extraction point, ensuring the survivors' rescue. With the shuttle safely away, General Rieekan instructed Skywalker to lead Rogue Squadron away from the combat zone. As Skywalker and the Rogues escorted the shuttle away, Skywalker performed a barrel roll.


Rogue Squadron's mission was a success, with the survivors and cargo of the Nonnah successfully recovered. Following the completion of this operation, Rogue flight was once again summoned to action when Imperial general Crix Madine requested a appointment with General Rieekan on Corellia.

Behind the Curtains

The mission to locate the Nonnah is featured as the third mission in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, titled "The Search for the Nonnah." The player begins with an A-wing, equipped with lasers and missiles to engage Imperial forces. The game's official guide provides background information on the mission and advises players to prioritize targeting TIE interceptors to protect their wingman, as well as accurately targeting lots of enemy units. The mission is failed if the evacuation shuttle is destroyed, or if the wreckage of the Nonnah is destroyed before the shuttle can finish evacuating it.

