Rendezvous on Barkhesh

The confrontation known as the Rendezvous on Barkhesh unfolded on the planet of Barkhesh. It pitted the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, led by General Carlist Rieekan and supported by the native Barkhesh Resistance, against the Galactic Empire in the year 0.5 ABY. In the aftermath of the evacuation from Yavin Base following the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance faced a critical need to replace the substantial supplies either abandoned on Yavin 4 or destroyed by Imperial forces during their hasty retreat.

The Barkhesh Resistance stepped forward with an offer of supplies, prompting the assignment of an Alliance Lambda-class T-4a shuttle to meet with a Barkhesh supply convoy for retrieval. Due to the presence of Imperial forces in the area, Commander Luke Skywalker and his Rogue Squadron were tasked with providing escort. The Rogues played a vital role in safeguarding the convoy as it moved from a supply base to the designated landing zone, engaging threats such as TIE bombers, All Terrain Scout Transports, and stationary turbolaser emplacements. Rogue Squadron successfully neutralized the enemy presence, ensuring the smooth and uninterrupted transfer of cargo.


The convoy of Barkhesh Resistance transports prepares to move out.

In the year 0.5 ABY, subsequent to the evacuation of Yavin Base in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic encountered a severe shortage of essential provisions. Consequently, the Barkhesh Resistance, operating from the planet of Barkhesh situated within the Seitia sector of the Outer Rim Territories, proposed the transfer of several transports filled with supplies to the Alliance, a gesture they typically extended on a semi-yearly basis. General Carlist Rieekan took charge of the operation, which necessitated the transports navigating a series of canyons between their supply base and the pre-arranged landing site. Anticipating potential interference from local Imperial forces, Rieekan assigned Rogue Squadron, under the leadership of Commander Luke Skywalker, to provide aerial escort for the convoy.

The battle

Rogue Squadron engages Imperial forces.

Commander Skywalker, at the helm of a formation consisting of five T-65 X-wing starfighters, arrived at the designated coordinates on Barkhesh to link up with the Resistance's convoy. Almost immediately, they encountered Viper probe droids in the vicinity of the supply base. Rogue Squadron swiftly dispatched a group of four droids, followed by another quartet shortly after overflying the supply base and successfully joining the convoy. With the immediate area deemed secure, the supply convoy—comprising five sizable armed transports and three smaller combat vehicles—commenced its journey toward the landing zone.

An Alliance shuttle meets with a Barkhesh Resistance transport.

Imperial forces in the region had strategically positioned six All Terrain Scout Transports within the canyons separating the supply base from the landing zone, in addition to establishing static turbolaser defenses both on the canyon ridges and on the canyon floor itself. Furthermore, five TIE bombers were deployed with the objective of destroying the convoy, while a sixth was tasked with attacking the supply base directly. Rogue Squadron was forced to address each of these threats in order to ensure the convoy's safety, utilizing both lasers and proton torpedoes in their engagements. After successfully eliminating the immediate dangers, Skywalker and the Rogues also engaged a small Imperial outpost located not far from the landing zone. Despite being defended by two AT-STs, a turret-mounted turbolaser, and six stormtroopers, the outpost was ultimately destroyed.


With the regional enemy forces neutralized, an Alliance Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, employing Imperial identification to avoid suspicion, successfully landed on the planet. It then completed the transfer of cargo from the Barkhesh Resistance convoy. The supplies provided by the Barkhesh rebels proved invaluable in assisting the Alliance in replenishing the resources lost during the evacuation of Yavin Base.

Behind the scenes

The Rendezvous on Barkhesh served as the setting for the second level—also named Rendezvous on Barkhesh—in the video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, which saw its release in 1998.

The player assumes the role of Luke Skywalker during this mission. To earn a gold medal on the level—the highest possible ranking—the player must ensure the safety of all friendly units and destroy at least thirty enemy combatants. Achieving this requires the destruction of the Imperial forces stationed at the small base located away from the main battle area. While the mission can be completed without eliminating all Imperial forces or preventing friendly casualties, doing so will negatively impact the final mission score.

