A notable location on the planet of Chandrila, the small city of Nayli functioned as one of the three primary on-world spaceports.
Situated on Chandrila's eastern continent along the equatorial belt, Nayli was a city that boasted a substantial hovertrain depot and was enveloped by rural landscapes. Its architecture was characterized by predominantly conical structures.
Following the Battle of Yavin by a single year, the city became the setting for a battle involving Moff Kohl Seerdon and Rogue Squadron. This conflict arose after Seerdon established a blockade of Chandrila. Although Seerdon's military forces launched an assault on the city, the Rogues delivered essential provisions and successfully drove back Seerdon's TIEs and All Terrain Scout Transports, thus enabling the population to be transported away via shuttles.
Nayli is featured in the video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron released in 1998; however, its name was not revealed until the publication of the Coruscant and the Core Worlds roleplaying game supplement.