Republic Security Force

The Republic Security Force, also called the Republic Guard, served as the main civil law enforcement agency for the Galactic Republic and operated as a division within the Republic Office of Criminal Investigations. The agents of this force, easily identified by their characteristic blue uniforms, were generally known as judicials, a title that stemmed from the Office of Criminal Investigations being a part of the Republic's Judicial Department. The Security Force's duties included probing into the affairs of corporate and government bodies, as well as fighting against pirates and criminal syndicates. To achieve these goals, the Security Force possessed a sizable fleet of starships, which they utilized to bolster regional patrols, perform investigations in far-off locations, and execute counter-piracy initiatives. It was common for the judicials to collaborate with members of the Jedi Order, and despite some harboring resentment towards the Jedi's favored status, the majority placed faith in their decisions and treated them with professional respect. However, disagreements could still arise between the two factions, given that the judicials sought to gather proof for courtroom proceedings, whereas the Jedi occasionally delivered their own verdicts.

