Grand Republic Medical Facility

The Grand Republic Medical Facility, alternatively called the Grand Medical Facility, was an immense medcenter situated on Coruscant, which served as the capital planet for the Galactic Republic. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], this establishment functioned as a hospital, providing care for seriously wounded members of the Republic Military. Furthermore, the facility extended its services to patients from across the galaxy. One such individual was the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who underwent cybernetic reconstruction there to address the injuries he suffered on Mustafar. Darth Sidious, the clandestine identity of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, utilized the facility as a personal sanctuary before declaring himself to be the Galactic Emperor.

This facility continued to operate throughout the reign of the Galactic Empire, although its secret function as Sidious' Sith refuge was relocated to the Imperial Palace. During the Galactic Civil War, Sidious brought Vader to the medical center to receive repairs after his mission to Exegol.


The Grand Republic Medical Facility was a fortified treatment center, as well as a Sith retreat of Darth Sidious.

The Grand Republic Medical Facility, a medcenter belonging to the Galactic Republic, was a skyscraping structure located in Galactic City, the Republic's planet-spanning ecumenopolis on its capital, Coruscant. The lower levels of the facility were modified to create a new Sith sanctuary for Darth Sidious, which also incorporated a meditation chamber intended for the Sith Lord's personal use.

Due to its significance as a Republic medical center, the facility was considered a valuable target during the Clone Wars, leading to its fortification with robust defensive systems and potent weaponry. Security was maintained by clone shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard and the Red Guards of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.


The Galactic Republic had been operating the Grand Republic Medical Facility since at least the era of the High Republic Era. Jedi Knight [Azlin Rell](/article/azlin_rell], suffering from mental distress, was admitted to the facility following the Battle of Dalna, traumatized by his encounter with a Nameless entity during the conflict. His caregivers were perplexed and unaware of the nature of his experience. Rell was plagued by recurring nightmares related to his encounter and began documenting his experiences in a journal about the creatures. When Vol Garat, a bounty hunter, broke into his room seeking information about the Nameless to exploit them against the Jedi Order, Rell remained engrossed in his journal until the enraged bounty hunter knocked it away, tearing out several pages. The resulting disturbance alerted two nearby personnel, but Garat remained concealed, leading them to believe that Rell himself had caused the mess after another nightmare. The officials determined that Rell required rest rather than hospital care and transferred him to the Gravan Monastery on the moon Grava, unaware that Garat had overheard their entire conversation. Taking advantage of the reduced security at the monastery, Garat attacked Rell again on the moon, but was thwarted by Arkoff, a Wookiee Jedi.

The Republic continued to run the Grand Republic Medical Facility during the Clone Wars. Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Doctor Nala Se traveled to the facility, bringing with them two inhibitor chips and ARC trooper Fives as instructed by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, following a premature activation of Clone Protocol 66 on Ringo Vinda, and a subsequent investigation on Kamino. However, the clone trooper fled the facility after attempting to assassinate the chancellor, driven by the revelation of Palpatine's involvement in a conspiracy to destroy the Jedi Order.

Following the incident with the rogue clone, Palpatine—secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Sidious—relocated his collection of Sith relics and artifacts from an abandoned tower in [The Works](/article/the_works] district to the Grand Medical Facility, fearing their discovery by the Jedi.

The Grand Republic Medical Facility was still in use by the time of the Galactic Civil War.

After the rise of the Galactic Empire, [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker], severely injured, was brought to the facility by Emperor Darth Sidious, now holding that title. Sidious employed a team of medical droids to surgically reconstruct his apprentice and encase him within a cybernetic suit to ensure his survival. Vader returned to the facility, which remained operational during the Galactic Civil War, for repairs after his mission to Exegol.

