Shortly following the implementation of Order 66, a large gathering took place on Coruscant. Its purpose was to commemorate the annihilation of the Jedi Order. Grand Vizier Mas Amedda spearheaded the festivities, delivering a speech to a vast crowd situated on the steps of what used to be the Jedi Temple. The incineration of the deceased Jedi's lightsabers formed the core of the celebration. This included that of Grand Master Yoda; Amedda himself cast Yoda's lightsaber into the flames. The intense heat caused the kyber crystals within the lightsabers to fail, resulting in violent explosions of blue light that startled nearby individuals. Emperor Palpatine and his newly appointed apprentice Darth Vader observed the event. During the spectacle, they engaged in a discussion about the origins and nature of Sith lightsabers, and Palpatine tasked Vader with constructing his own.

As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion in 19 BBY, fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sheev Palpatine, who was the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, had been progressively accumulating emergency powers from the Galactic Senate. In the war's later stages, a collective of senators, known as the Delegation of 2,000, was established to challenge Palpatine's increasing authority and reinstate power to the Senate.
Soon after, following a supposed assassination attempt, Sidious branded the Jedi, who had been keepers of peace and justice within the galaxy for millennia, as traitors. He swiftly suppressed the alleged Jedi insurrection with the assistance of his newly appointed Sith apprentice, Darth Vader. Vader was formerly the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker family and the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force. Sidious also dispatched Vader to eliminate the Separatist Council on Mustafar and dismantle the Separatist Droid Army, effectively ending the Clone Wars. Following the defeat of the Separatists and the destruction of the Jedi Order, Sidious transformed the Galactic Republic into the inaugural Galactic Empire, declaring himself its Emperor. This transition to the Empire garnered significant public and political backing, with Palpatine's address in the Galactic Senate Chamber met with widespread applause, although some senators observed with dismay as the Republic dissolved.

Not long after the declaration of the New Order, Sidious convened with Vader. Vader had been defeated in a duel on Mustafar by his former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and had sustained severe injuries that necessitated a life support suit. After departing the Grand Medical Facility, Sidious and Vader proceeded to the celebratory event held outside the former Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
As Sidious and Vader looked on from the Jedi Temple, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda delivered a speech focusing on the alleged treacherous actions of the Jedi, asserting that society was now secure from their malevolence. Surrounded by stormtroopers and Royal Guardsmen, Amedda continued and cast [Yoda's lightsaber](/article/yoda%27s_lightsaber], along with the lightsabers of other fallen Jedi, into an incinerator. During Amedda's address, Sidious instructed Vader on the newly established Empire and the fact that their true intentions were known to none. Sidious proceeded to discuss kyber crystals and the process of bleeding them to alter a lightsaber blade's color to crimson. Around that time, Amedda activated the incinerator. The intense fire caused the crystals within the numerous lightsabers to explode. The explosion resulted in Amedda and several troopers being knocked to the ground.

Following the event, Sidious transported Vader to the Mid Rim using his Theta-class T-2c shuttle. During the journey, Sidious inquired about Vader's comfort in his suit, to which Vader responded that it was acceptable. Upon landing, Vader questioned the reason for their arrival in the Mid Rim, and Sidious explained that he had great expectations for what Vader and he could achieve together, but informed Vader that he first needed a lightsaber, referencing their earlier conversation at the celebration.
Sidious tasked Vader with finding a living Jedi from whom he could take a crystal, acknowledging the difficulty of this mission given their near elimination of the Order. Nevertheless, Sidious declared his great confidence in Vader's resourcefulness and capabilities. As Vader disembarked, Sidious indicated that he had provided a ship for Vader's use, only to discover that it had been stolen by a group of outlaws, stating that the galaxy cried out for order. Vader departed to recapture his starship.
The celebration for the Jedi Order's destruction was initially portrayed in Darth Vader (2017) 1, a canon comic released in 2017, authored by Charles Soule, with illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli.