Recapture of Vader's starship

During the initial years of the Galactic Empire's rule, Anakin Skywalker, the Sith apprentice known as Darth Vader, retrieved his new starship. This occurred on Gattering, located in the galaxy's Mid Rim, after enslavers stole it and secured it at their base.


Following the celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, carried his Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, to Gattering within the Mid Rim aboard a Theta-class T-2c shuttle. Upon landing, Vader inquired about the purpose of their visit, and Sidious responded by expressing his great expectations for their joint accomplishments under the Galactic Empire. He then reminded Vader of their previous conversation at the celebration, emphasizing the need for a lightsaber.

Sidious tasked Vader with locating a surviving Jedi to acquire a kyber crystal from, acknowledging the difficulty given their success in eliminating the Jedi Order. Nevertheless, Sidious affirmed his strong belief in Vader's ingenuity and competence. As Vader departed, Sidious revealed that he had provided a ship for Vader's use, only to discover it had been seized by a group of criminals, lamenting that the galaxy was in dire need of order. Vader then set out to reclaim his starship.

Recapturing the starship

Darth Vader jumps into battle against his ship's captors.

After adjusting his vision, Vader proceeded through the desert and located a base. While two enslavers were discussing their good fortune in finding the starship and the wealth it would bring, Vader killed one by using the Force to push a section of the wall onto them. As the others turned toward Vader, he declared that the vessel belonged to him and began eliminating the enslavers who fired at him. He killed several by launching small pieces of metal which pierced their bodies, although Vader was subsequently shot. As a Pau'an celebrated their successful shot, Vader used the Force to propel them down a nearby cliff. Vader then used the bodies of two fallen enslavers for cover while the others continued their assault, before launching one of the bodies at another enslaver, killing him. The remaining enslaver stopped, and asked Vader why he was there and what he wanted. Vader killed him by using the Force to choke him, stating that he only wanted that.


After Vader recovered his starship, he traveled to Brighthome, a Jedi outpost in the Mid Rim occupied by a force of clone stormtroopers, to begin his mission. When a pilot contacted Vader and informed him that he was entering a restricted zone, Vader disregarded the warnings and continued, even after his droid informed him that he possessed the authorization codes for the space station. After Vader destroyed the four ARC-170 starfighters guarding the station, Vader boarded and eliminated the troopers inside, except for two who managed to escape. Vader then accessed the station's databank to search for a potential surviving Jedi who had taken the Barash Vow.

Behind the scenes

The retrieval of Vader's starship was initially shown in the canon 2017 comic Darth Vader (2017) 1, authored by Charles Soule and illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli.

