Sweitt Concorkill

Sweitt Concorkill, a Vurk senator representing his people in the Galactic Republic Senate, was a well-known diplomat with a lengthy and distinguished career. He became a member of the Delegation of 2,000 during the tumultuous times of the Clone Wars. In the year 19 BBY, Concorkill engaged in conversation with Jedi Master Coleman Kcaj before he went to see a performance of Squid Lake at the Galaxies Opera House located on the planet Coruscant. He was seated in the private box belonging to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, naively thinking he could convince Palpatine to relinquish his power.


Sweitt Concorkill functioned as a Vurk senator, representing his constituents in the Galactic Senate of the Republic throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. His extensive career was marked by the successful negotiation of numerous ceasefires and the calming of many tense situations, which led to his standing as a celebrated diplomat. Concorkill became part of the Delegation of 2,000, a collective of senators who held concerns regarding Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's prolonged utilization of emergency powers while the war raged.

Sweitt Concorkill watches Squid Lake in the Chancellor's private box.

Not long after the Battle of Coruscant occurred in 19 BBY, Concorkill was in attendance at a showing of the opera called Squid Lake at the Galaxies Opera House which was on the planet Coruscant. Before the show began, he had a conversation with Jedi Master Coleman Kcaj just outside the opera house. Following that, the senator took his seat in Palpatine's private box, along with Vice Chair Mas Amedda, a high-ranking administrative aide named Sly Moore, and the Supreme Chancellor himself.

About halfway through the performance, Palpatine, in a calm manner, asked Concorkill, Amedda, and Moore to leave the box after Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker arrived, having been invited by Palpatine to watch the opera alongside him. The two of them then engaged in a private discussion about topics related to knowledge of the Force.

Personality and traits

Concorkill's physical features included green skin and eyes that were light-blue. As a proficient diplomat, he mistakenly thought he possessed the ability to persuade Palpatine to give up the power he held.


The senator was dressed in robes that featured a red-and-white pattern while he was at the opera, robes that bore a striking resemblance to those worn by Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks.

Behind the scenes

Sweitt Concorkill was originally the Ongree character that became Coleman Kcaj (pictured).

Sweitt Concorkill's initial appearance was in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, which served as the concluding chapter of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. In terms of the new Star Wars canon, the character's name was first officially established in 2016 through the Star Wars: Card Trader application. This name had originally been introduced in the Star Wars Legends reference book from 2005, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, authored by James Luceno.

Concorkill was initially conceived as an Ongree senator, drawing inspiration from the design of the character Pablo-Jill featured in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. However, after the Pablo-Jill model underwent a redesign for Revenge of the Sith, the Ongree senator's attire was altered to resemble Jedi robes, and the character's name was changed to Coleman Kcaj. Consequently, the name Sweitt Concorkill was mistakenly associated with an image of Kcaj in Revenge of the Sith The Visual Dictionary. This mistake was subsequently corrected for Star Wars Legends in the Star Wars Insider 85 article "Who's Who in the Delegation of 2000," penned by Daniel Wallace.

