
Neeyutnee, a human female, held the esteemed position of Queen of Naboo throughout a significant portion of the Clone Wars. Following her selection as the successor to Queen Jamillia, she guided her people through challenging times, including the Blue Shadow Virus outbreak and other critical events.


Blue Shadow Virus

Prior to the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Neeyutnee's birth occurred on Naboo. When the conflict commenced in 22 BBY, Neeyutnee was chosen to be the Queen of Naboo, taking over from Queen Jamillia. She leaned on the wisdom and experience provided by Senator Padmé Amidala. In 21 BBY, Separatist droids managed to sneak onto Naboo. Subsequently, Naboo was put on high alert, fearing another attack. Consequently, Amidala and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks journeyed back to Naboo from Coruscant to aid in the investigation of the enemy presence. Upon their arrival, Neeyutnee and Captain Typho welcomed them at the Theed Hangar within the Royal Palace. Neeyutnee informed Amidala that while no further droids had been found, they were certain of an existing threat. She requested Amidala to persuade either the Galactic Senate or the Jedi High Council about the danger facing Naboo. Amidala responded that neither entity would be convinced without concrete evidence, leading them to proceed with the examination of a captured tactical droid.

Neeyutnee contacts the Jedi High Council

As Neeyutnee, Typho, and Amidala continued their conversation, Binks noticed an insect emerging from another battle droid and attempted to capture it, noting that it was exclusive to the Eastern swamps. Neeyutnee observed as Amidala's protocol droid, C-3PO, questioned the tactical droid, TR-350, before Binks inadvertently destroyed it while pursuing the insect. Binks offered a sheepish apology, explaining that the insect was a rare species found only in a specific location. From this, they inferred that the droids likely originated from the Eastern swamps. They then contacted the Jedi Council, relaying their findings, and Amidala successfully persuaded them to dispatch Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano to provide assistance. Eventually, it was revealed that the scientist Dr. Nuvo Vindi was attempting to resurrect the Blue Shadow Virus within a concealed laboratory. The Republic forces defeated Vindi, thus halting the virus's reemergence.

Skirmish on Naboo

Neeyutnee thanks Jar Jar Binks for preventing war between the Gungan and Naboo peoples

In 20 BBY, Naboo was once more targeted by the Separatists, with rumors suggesting that the Gungans were assisting General Grievous in an invasion of the planet. Amidala, accompanied by Skywalker, was dispatched to investigate and ultimately discovered that the Gungan Rish Loo was indeed supporting the Separatists. Concurrently, as Grievous engaged the Gungan Army, he was captured following a brief skirmish. While Skywalker pursued Loo, he too was taken prisoner. Amidala and Separatist leader Count Dooku reached an agreement for a prisoner exchange, which was overseen by Neeyutnee. She witnessed the arrival of the Separatists in a shuttle carrying Skywalker. After the exchange, both Neeyutnee and Boss Lyonie expressed their gratitude to Binks for averting a war between the Naboo and the Gungans for the second time.

Skirmish on Theed

Neeyutnee after the Festival of Light

Subsequently, Neeyutnee welcomed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to Naboo for the Festival of Light, a celebration marking the anniversary of Naboo's entry into the Republic. That evening, bounty hunters under the command of Count Dooku and Cad Bane attempted to kidnap Palpatine, but their scheme was foiled by Kenobi, who had infiltrated their ranks disguised as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen. The following morning, Neeyutnee was part of a security detail that included Amidala and Governor Sio Bibble. Neeyutnee's reign ended by 19 BBY, and she was succeeded by Queen Apailana.


In 4 ABY, Queen Sosha Soruna referenced Neeyutnee's decision during the Clone Wars to relocate fighter operations away from the palace for enhanced security, during a conversation with Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan when the Galactic Empire attacked Naboo as part of Operation: Cinder.

Personality and traits

Neeyutnee during the Clone Wars

Neeyutnee was a human female standing at 1.69 meters (5 [feet](/article/foot], 7 inches) tall, characterized by [black](/article/color] hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and fair skin. Like other Naboo queens, she adorned herself with makeup, including the scar of remembrance. Neeyutnee viewed the Clone Wars as a "terrible" period. She was known for her kindness, as evidenced by her gratitude towards Jar Jar Binks for preventing a civil conflict between the Gungans and the Naboo. Her speech in Galactic Basic Standard was marked by a distinct accent.

Skills and abilities

Neeyutnee was a highly capable leader of Naboo, having served as her people's queen throughout much of the Clone War. Her time as queen also demonstrated her aptitude for diplomacy, negotiations, and possessing considerable legislative knowledge. Neeyutnee maintained close working relationships with Senator Amidala and Representative Binks, as well as the Gungan leadership and her Royal Advisory Council. Neeyutnee also displayed competence in both armed and unarmed combat.

Behind the scenes

Jameelah McMillan provided the voice for Neeyutnee in her debut appearance in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Blue Shadow Virus." She also had a silent role in the episode "Crisis on Naboo."

