Jamillia was a female human who reigned as the Monarch of Naboo following Queen Réillata during the Galactic Republic's twilight years. She initially sought the position when Padmé Amidala's term as Queen concluded in 28 BBY, but Réillata won. Jamillia subsequently served as Queen from 26 until 22 BBY, which was when the Clone Wars began. Neeyutnee then succeeded her as Queen.
Jamillia, a female human, originated from the planet Naboo. When Queen Padmé Amidala, the elected ruler of Naboo, completed her two two-year terms, her constituents attempted to alter their constitution so she could remain in office. However, Amidala refused this honor, and Jamillia entered the race for Queen, but Réillata was victorious. Some time after, Jamillia ran once more and secured the queenship.

In 22 BBY, Amidala became the target of an assassination attempt by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a union of star systems desiring to withdraw from the Republic. Due to the threat to Amidala's life, both the Republic's Supreme Chancellor and the Jedi Order's High Council dispatched her to a safe haven on Naboo. Upon Amidala's arrival, Jamillia met her predecessor in the Royal Palace, and they deliberated on the likelihood of an approaching large-scale war between the Republic and the Separatists. Shortly thereafter, their concerns materialized when the Clone Wars erupted between the two sides.
Soon after the war began, Jamilla approached Amidala at Varykino Villa, where she was recuperating from injuries sustained during the Battle of Geonosis, requesting her and her Jedi protector Anakin Skywalker to extract five members of the Torada Collective who were stuck on the Separatist-controlled planet Nooroyo when the war commenced. However, following the mission's completion, only [Antraya](/article/antraya], Jamilla's sister, chose to return to Naboo. Jamilla was reunited with her sister in the palace soon after.
After a tenure of four years, Queen Neeyutnee succeeded Jamillia as queen.
Queen Jamillia's height was relatively short, measuring 1.57 meters. Her facial features included a round face, full lips, a narrow chin, and prominent cheeks. Her hair and eye color were both a dark shade of brown. She strongly advocated for democracy, and she also genuinely worried about the well-being of her senator, Padmé Amidala.
Jamillia was often seen wearing a black robe accompanied by a golden headdress.
Ayesha Dharker, an Indian actress, played Jamillia in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Early drafts of Episode II sometimes referred to the character as "Jamilla." Dharker spent a month in Australia, a week and a half in Lake Como, and a few days in Caserta, Italy, for a mere half-day of filming.