A jungle planet renowned for its spice production, Nooroyo became associated with the Confederacy of Independent Systems when the Clone Wars erupted between the Confederacy and the Galactic Republic. In 22 BBY, Queen Jamillia of Naboo, a planet in the Mid Rim, requested that Senator Padmé Amidala find and retrieve a group of Naboo artists from the Torada Collective, who were living in an artist commune on Nooroyo. Concurrently, Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation and stakeholder Oje N'deeb were visiting the same planet to negotiate spice trade deals.
Amidala, accompanied by Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, journeyed to Nooroyo and encountered Celena, the owner of the commune. Celena introduced them to one of the artists they sought, a man named Kharl. Kharl voiced the group's reluctance to leave their chosen sanctuary, providing his personal reasons for residing there. Upon recognizing Amidala as the former queen of Naboo, he alerted her to Gunray's presence on Nooroyo, which posed a threat to her safety. Kharl then brought Antraya, Jamillia's sister, to them, and she accompanied Amidala and Skywalker as they hastily departed the planet and returned to Naboo.
Nooroyo was a terrestrial planet with at least two moons, orbiting around a sun. It was situated less than a day's journey through hyperspace from Naboo, a planet in the [Mid Rim](/article/mid_rim_territories]. The planet's Type I atmosphere was breathable for various species, including humans. Its temperate climate supported the growth of biodiverse, lush green jungles. Certain areas of the planet were warmer, hosting gardens filled with fragrant, vibrant flowers. Nooroyo's landscape also included rocky beaches and a wide, rapid river. The planet also contained deposits of [spice](/article/spice].

During the reign of the Galactic Republic, Nooroyo functioned as a planet of spice production. Celena, a woman, founded a peaceful artist commune on the planet, where artists embraced a tranquil existence and cultivated gardens. For a period of time, they did not officially register most starships that entered the planet's airspace. Padmé Amidala, the former queen of Naboo in the Mid Rim, regarded them as welcoming, even when compared to Karlinus, a hospitable planet in the Chommell sector.
Eventually, five Naboo artists from the Torada Collective, including Kharl and Antraya (the sister of Jamillia, the current queen of Naboo), departed their homeworld to join the commune. On Nooroyo, the Naboo artists integrated into the commune under Celena's guidance, developing a strong attachment to their new home. Furthermore, Kharl started using medical-grade spice to manage the pain from a chronic condition, as he couldn't legally obtain it on Naboo due to their spice regulations.

After the start of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Nooroyo became part of the Confederacy's territory. Jamillia and the parents of the five Naboo artists on Nooroyo worried about their safety as a result of the war. This led the queen to request that Amidala, now a Republic [senator](/article/senator], bring them back to Naboo. Amidala, accompanied by her secret lover, Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, left Naboo in her Nubian yacht and traveled to Nooroyo using the coordinates provided by Jamillia. Unbeknownst to the senator, Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, and stakeholder Oje N'deeb were on Nooroyo at the same time, negotiating spice trade deals.

Upon entering Nooroyo's atmosphere, an employee at the primary landing control hailed their vessel. After Amidala explained their purpose, the employee provided a flight path. As they approached, the landing control dispatched a scanning team to inspect their yacht. After landing, Celena escorted Amidala and Skywalker into her commune, describing the group's lifestyle as they admired the lush gardens within the artists' compound.
Kharl met with them and insisted that Nooroyo was now their home, explaining his personal need to live there: to obtain medicinal spice for chronic pain. After further conversation with Amidala, he realized her identity and panicked, informing her of Gunray's presence, which endangered her due to the Neimoidian's numerous attempts on her life over the past decade. As Amidala and Skywalker fled to their starship, Kharl returned with a reluctant Antraya, who had agreed to leave Nooroyo. Although their starship was scanned before departure, it successfully jumped to hyperspace, safely delivering Antraya to Jamillia on Naboo. Later, N'deeb mentioned to Amidala via hologram that they had almost been on Nooroyo at the same time.
By the Clone Wars, humans such as Celena, Antraya, Kharl, and at least three others resided on Nooroyo. Celena and her commune members aimed for a peaceful life focused on gardening, artistry, and teaching their skills. Additionally, a worker at the Nooroyo primary landing control and several children lived on the planet. The inhabitants spoke Galactic Basic.
During the Republic Era, Celena led an artist commune on Nooroyo, located north of Nooro-City. The commune featured well-kept gardens near a river, along with houses for the residents.
Nooroyo was featured in Queen's Hope, a young-adult novel by E. K. Johnston, released on April 5, 2022. The planet was indirectly mentioned in a StarWars.com preview for the novel on November 2, 2021, prior to its publication.