Artist commune

An artist commune dedicated to non-violence was established on the planet Nooroyo by the woman known as Celena. During the Republic Era, a group of five artists from the Torada Collective of Naboo made the commune their home, including Antraya, sister to Queen Jamillia of Naboo, and a man named Kharl.

Following the onset of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jamillia dispatched [Padmé Amidala](/article/padm%c3%a9_amidala], the senator representing Naboo, with instructions to recover the artists and return them to Naboo. Within the commune, Amidala, accompanied by her secret lover, the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, encountered Celena, who facilitated a meeting with Kharl. While the other artists ultimately declined to leave, Antraya, albeit reluctantly, departed the commune to rejoin Jamillia on Naboo.


Located to the north of Nooro-City on the planet of Nooroyo was an artist commune. This commune was characterized by several [bright blue](/article/color] dwellings situated near a riverbank. The residential area was replete with abundant natural flora, enriching the pathways and gardens. A sculpted [metal](/article/metal] fence enclosed the artist commune, which also included at least a single landing platform.


During the reign of the Galactic Republic, Celena, a [woman](/article/gender], founded an artist commune dedicated to anti-violence on Nooroyo. The artists who lived in the houses embraced a peaceful existence as they honed their skills. Residents were expected to maintain the commune's gardens and adhere to its various regulations, including those pertaining to the food they consumed, with Celena mediating any disputes. At some point, five Torada Collective Naboo artists—including Kharl and Antraya, the sister of Jamillia, the current queen of Naboo—left their homeworld to become part of the commune. On Nooroyo, the Naboo artists integrated into the commune under Celena's guidance and developed a strong connection to their new home, with Kharl contributing by teaching children about paint colors and tending to plants.

Jamillia (pictured) sent Padmé Amidala to bring five Naboo Torada Collective artists back to Naboo.

As the Clone Wars erupted between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, starting with the start of the conflict, Jamillia, along with the parents of the five Naboo artists residing on the planet, grew concerned about their safety, leading the queen to dispatch Naboo's senator, Padmé Amidala, with the mission of bringing them back to their home planet. Accompanied by her secret love, Jedi Padawan [Anakin Skywalker](/article/anakin_skywalker], Amidala traveled to Nooroyo. After informing the Nooroyo primary landing control of their destination, they received permission to land at the residential complex. Celena greeted them, although her demeanor became reserved upon learning the purpose of their visit. She guided them through the complex, explaining the rules that its residents followed, before ultimately leading them into a house to locate the Torada Collective artists they sought.

At Celena's request, Kharl met with Amidala and Skywalker, asserting that Nooroyo had become their home. He elaborated on his personal motivation for residing there – to obtain medicinal spice to alleviate chronic pain. As he continued to converse with Amidala, he became alarmed upon realizing her identity and informed her of Nute Gunray, the Trade Federation's Viceroy, being present on Nooroyo for spice negotiations, which put her in danger due to the Neimoidian's several attempts on her life over the past decade. As Amidala and Skywalker hastily returned to their Nubian yacht, Kharl departed and then reappeared with a hesitant Antraya, who had agreed to leave the artist commune while the other artists chose to stay. After leaving the commune, the pair successfully facilitated Jamillia's reunion with Antraya on Naboo.

Behind the scenes

The artist commune was featured in Queen's Hope, a young-adult novel from 2022 authored by E. K. Johnston.

