The Chommell sector, a galactic sector situated within the Mid Rim, was sparsely inhabited. This region encompassed 36 worlds with full membership status, a substantial number of settled dependencies exceeding 40,000, and a staggering 300,000,000 desolate stars. Prominent locations within the sector included both the Naboo system and Karlinus. Sheev Palpatine, and subsequently Padmé Amidala, served as the representatives for this sector in the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic. The sector's designation originated from the Chommell Minor system. During 228 BBY, Marchion Ro of the Eye of the Nihil initiated an erratic expansion of his [Stormwall](/article/stormwall] barrier, a construct that inhibited hyperspace travel. Consequently, a significant portion of the Chommell sector, inclusive of Naboo, was consumed by this expansion.