The estate known as Varykino Villa was situated within Naboo's Lake Country, specifically on an island bearing the same name. This secluded property belonged to the royal government and served as a private escape from the planet's primary city, Theed, for several notable figures of the Naboo people. Among them was Omar Berenko, a poet who resided in the villa centuries prior to the Invasion of Naboo.
By the time that the Fall of the Republic occurred, the Naberrie family maintained the estate, providing Padmé Naberrie with a peaceful sanctuary which she frequented during her tenures as both the Queen of the planet and as a senator. During the Separatist Crisis, to evade an assassination plot, Amidala sought refuge at Varykino with her Jedi protector, Anakin Skywalker. Their shared time led to a romantic relationship, culminating in their marriage at the estate following the outbreak of the Clone Wars.
As the Galactic Civil War progressed, the grounds fell into disuse and disrepair. Varykino then became a gathering place for the Amidalans, a group dedicated to seeking vengeance for the death of Senator Amidala. In 3 ABY, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, revisited Varykino with Sabé, Padmé's handmaiden and the leader of the Amidalans. They convened with former Royal Security officers Gregar Typho and Tonra before departing the estate in a Gungan bongo submarine.

The name of Varykino Villa was derived from the island of Varykino, which itself was situated in the Lake Country, one of the most isolated areas within Naboo. This region was isolated from the planet's wider network of waterways, protecting the estate from attacks by various aquatic monsters native to the world. A set of stairs led to a private beach on one side of the villa, while across the lake lay a smaller island inhabited by various bird species. A water gate and dock were located on the opposite side of the structure, connected to the main retreat via a series of steep steps.
The structure itself was constructed from yellow rock, and featured red roofs adorned with copper-green domes. The villa's rooms were connected by both expansive marble hallways and outdoor gardens. The house featured a throne room where visiting royalty could receive guests, as well as the Room of Morning Mists, an open-air veranda overlooking the lake. Several Berenko-class speeders were maintained at the estate for transportation across the water.

Centuries before the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Omar Berenko, the tragic poet, considered Varykino his home. He resided on Varykino Island within a community of Naboo and Gungan outsiders, which was viewed as unconventional for the era. Berenko composed some of his most significant works at the villa, including the controversial epic, Defense of Naboo. The controversial artist lived at Varykino until a group of assailants kidnapped him from the estate's terrace, and he was never seen again. During the High Republic Era, the San Tekka clan possessed a nearby compound with a lanai that offered a view of Varykino. While visiting the San Tekkas, Jedi Master Avar Kriss noticed the retreat, and Jedi Knight Elzar Mann informed her about the artists who resided there, including Berenko.
At some point, the Royal House of Naboo acquired ownership of the villa, and by the time of the Fall of the Republic, the prosperous Naberrie family maintained Varykino as a vacation residence. Padmé Naberrie frequently spent summers there before her election as Queen of Naboo, at which point she adopted the name "Amidala." At the conclusion of her term in 28 BBY, Amidala spent two weeks at the villa with her handmaidens for the traditional period of seclusion for the monarch of Naboo during the elections to choose the royal successor. Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor, surprised the queen with an unexpected visit to inquire about Amidala's future. Following Palpatine's departure, Amidala and her companions dined on the villa's terrace, where they received news that the people had elected the former Queen Réillata to another term.

In 22 BBY, Amidala, now a senator representing the Galactic Republic, returned to Naboo following an attempt on her life on Coruscant. Accompanied by Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Padawan, she journeyed to Varykino, believing that the secluded retreat would offer protection from assassins. After being greeted by Paddy Accu, the old caretaker, Amidala shared stories of her childhood experiences at the villa with Skywalker. During their stay at the retreat, the two developed romantic feelings for each other, but acknowledged that a relationship would endanger both of them. When Skywalker began experiencing visions of the death of his mother, Shmi, Amidala agreed to leave Varykino to find her on Tatooine. Following the First Battle of Geonosis and the commencement of the Clone Wars, the two returned to Varykino and were secretly married, with the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO as the only witnesses.
However, the marriage between the young lovers was destined for tragedy. After being seduced to the dark side of the Force by Darth Sidious, Skywalker transformed into Darth Vader and inadvertently caused Amidala's death. Vader came to despise his past and was haunted by memories of Padmé, including those they shared at Varykino. While unsuccessfully attempting to resurrect his wife on Mustafar in 12 BBY, Vader witnessed their wedding at the lake retreat through the Force.
The scenes at Varykino were filmed at Villa del Balbianello, situated on Lake Como in Italy. The interiors, sets which were constructed on a soundstage, took inspiration from the basic architectural design found in Caserta, where Theed was filmed, but were combined with a softer, more personalized style.