The Naberrie family originated on the planet Naboo, a human lineage residing in the Mid Rim section of the galaxy. Despite their modest origins, one of their own, Padmé Naberrie, rose to significant political prominence during the Fall of the Republic, starting with her election as the Monarch of Naboo. Born to Ruwee Naberrie and Jobal Naberrie, his wife, Padmé was publicly known as Amidala, the Queen of the Naboo after she took the throne in 32 BBY. She had a sister named Sola Naberrie, who in 28 BBY gave birth to Ryoo Naberrie.
The Trade Federation's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo defined Amidala's early time as ruler. With the Galactic Senate proving unable to help, Amidala created an alliance between the Royal House of Naboo and the Gungan High Council to end the occupation of their shared homeworld. Following the victory of Naboo and the Gungan alliance, Amidala finished her term as monarch and then stepped down. However, at the request of her successor, Amidala accepted the position of senator, becoming the representative of her people on Coruscant, the galactic capital. After the first battle of the Clone Wars, Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Padawan, developed a romantic relationship, eventually marrying in a private ceremony on Naboo, despite the Jedi Order's stance against forming attachments.
Their marriage was kept secret during the entire war, and it eventually led to the conception of twins, a daughter Leia Amidala Skywalker and a son Luke Skywalker. By this point, Anakin had succumbed to the dark side of the Force and transformed into Darth Vader, the Sith Lord who destroyed and betrayed the [Jedi](/article/jedi], while his master, Darth Sidious, proclaimed himself to be the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. As a result, Amidala died from a broken heart, having lost her will to continue living. In addition to the citizens of Naboo and the Gungans who mourned their former queen, Amidala's family attended her funeral ceremony. To protect them from their fallen father, her children were separated and hidden. The Skywalker children reunited during the Galactic Civil War within a generation, and together they assisted the Rebel Alliance in defeating the Sith and their New Order.
The human natives of Naboo, the Naberrie family, resided in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. During the reign of the Galactic Republic, Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie were joined in marriage and had two children, the sisters Sola and Padmé Naberrie. In 28 BBY, Sola became the birth mother to a daughter, Ryoo Naberrie.

Padmé was identified as a promising leader early on, despite her parents' humble background. She chose to dedicate her life to civic duty and became the elected sovereign of the Royal House of Naboo, adopting "Amidala" as her official name. Shortly after her coronation in 32 BBY, the Queen of Naboo lost control of her planet to the Trade Federation. The Invasion of Naboo was an illegal act, but the Neimoidian leaders of the Federation tried to force Amidala to cooperate. However, the Jedi Order's intervention led to them losing their royal hostage. The queen then traveled to Coruscant, the Core World capital of the Republic, and pleaded with the Galactic Senate to end the siege of her homeworld. Following the advice of Sheev Palpatine, her close advisor and a Senator, Amidala called for a Vote of No Confidence in Finis Valorum, the Supreme Chancellor, hoping that his replacement would act more quickly to help Naboo.
Upon returning to Naboo, Amidala allied with the leaders of the Gungan race, hoping to utilize the Gungan Grand Army against the droid forces of the Trade Federation. The resulting battle was a decisive victory for the alliance. Nute Gunray, the Viceroy, was captured by Amidala herself, leading to the liberation of Naboo. Additionally, the political changes on Naboo allowed Palpatine to become chancellor, placing a Naboo citizen in the highest galactic office with Amidala's help.

After her term as queen ended during the decline and fall of the Republic, Amidala stepped down from the throne. She continued to serve Naboo by representing them in the Senate at the request of her successor, Queen Réillata. Amidala grew closer to Anakin Skywalker, a Padawan, during the Separatist Crisis, but she was concerned that their relationship would damage her career and lead to Skywalker's expulsion because of the Order's policy against attachment. Despite her concerns, Amidala and Skywalker secretly married shortly after the first battle of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY.
The union of Amidala and Skywalker ultimately resulted in the birth of their twins, Luke Skywalker and Leia Amidala Skywalker, by the war's end in 19 BBY. By this time, Skywalker had fallen to the dark side of the Force and become Darth Vader, the [Sith Lord](/article/sith_lord], leading to Amidala's death in childbirth because of a broken heart. A funeral ceremony was held in Theed, the capital city of Naboo, where the people grieved the loss of their former leader. The Naberrie family was among those who paid their respects to the former queen. Vader, who betrayed and almost completely destroyed the Jedi, was unaware that his wife had given birth to two children shortly before her death. The twins were separated and hidden to protect them from their Sith father.