Sola Naberrie

Sola Naberrie originated from the planet of Naboo and was identified as a human female. As a member of the Naberrie family, she was the offspring of Ruwee Naberrie and Jobal Naberrie, and also the sibling of Senator Padmé Amidala. Sola herself had two daughters, named Ryoo and Pooja Naberrie, who came into the world during the final period of the Galactic Republic.


Sola Naberrie, a human [female](/article/gender], was the daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie, as well as the older sister of Padmé. Sola and Padmé spent their formative years together at the Naberrie family house located on their native planet, Naboo. Upon Padmé's ascension to the role of queen of Naboo, she adopted the surname Amidala, diverging from Naberrie, to safeguard Sola and her other close relations. Amidala's participation in the selection speech for Queen of Naboo was presented to Sola via hologram.

In 28 BBY, Sola opted to become a parent independently, without a partner. This decision led to the birth of her first child, Ryoo Naberrie. Following a week-long sojourn to Alderaan, Amidala, accompanied by members of her retinue, journeyed back to Naboo and briefly conferred with Queen Réillata before proceeding to the family residence, where Amidala had her initial encounter with her niece.

During Amidala's tenure as a senator representing Naboo, Panaka made it a point to occasionally join the Naberrie family for meals. These visits often involved Ruwee engaging in spirited, though amicable, debates with Naberrie concerning Naboo's military endeavors. While Ruwee gained a better understanding of Panaka's viewpoints, he remained unconvinced, and Amidala's sister Sola consistently sought to excuse herself before the discussions escalated into arguments.

Sola also had a second daughter, Pooja. As she chose not to get married, Sola utilized her share of the Naberrie family wedding fabric to fashion clothing for her daughters, thereby symbolizing her acceptance and celebration of their arrival into the family.

Shortly before the Clone Wars commenced, Amidala visited the Naberries, accompanied by her bodyguard, the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Not long after, Amidala and Skywalker entered into a secret marriage. The establishment of the Galactic Empire was soon followed by Amidala's passing subsequent to the delivery of twins, named Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Sola Naberrie was among those in attendance at her sister's memorial service held in the city of Theed, along with her parents and her daughters.

Personality and traits

Sola Naberrie, a human female, possessed fair skin. In contrast to her sister, Padmé, who yearned for a romantic connection akin to that of their parents, Sola exhibited a lack of interest in forming a partnership, while still embracing the prospect of motherhood.


Sola donned a dark burgundy ensemble adorned with golden accents for her sister's funeral, a sartorial choice that closely mirrored Amidala's wardrobe as a gesture of respect. The somber hues of the attire reflected the family's sorrow and their mourning of her demise.

Behind the scenes

Sola Naberrie was brought to life by Claudia Karvan. Her initial appearance was in a scene that was ultimately cut from Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. She is seen at the conclusion of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, present at Padmé Amidala's funeral. The character's designation is provided in the film's end credits. E. K. Johnston, the creative mind behind Queen's Shadow, verified her intention for Sola Naberrie to identify as both aromantic and asexual.

