The resistance group known as the Amidalans was established by Sabé, who previously served as a handmaiden to Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo, after Amidala's death. In the former queen's apartment on Coruscant, Sabé convened with Captains Tonra and Gregar Typho from the Royal Naboo Security Forces, along with numerous other individuals who were loyal to Amidala, vowing to locate and eliminate those responsible for her demise. By 3 ABY, Sabé and her team remained active, having deduced that Amidala's killer was the Galactic Empire enforcer Darth Vader—who they did not realize was Amidala's husband and the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.
The Amidalans, operating on Naboo, summoned a sando aqua monster with the intention of it devouring Vader. As the creature consumed the Dark Lord, he impaled it through its upper mouth, marking him as the first known individual to slay a sando aqua monster. Sabé later encountered Vader on Vendaxa, subsequently guiding him back to Naboo, where she, Tonra, and Typho made an attempt on his life. Nevertheless, Vader employed the Force to choke each of them, thereby enabling his escape. Fortunately, they all survived, but Vader was soon confronted by an army of Amidalans, led by Captain Ric Olié, who awaited him alongside his death troopers. Vader successfully subdued each of them, however, and fatally stabbed Olié through the shoulder. Vader encountered the Amidalan Fleet over Polis Massa, where they sought to eliminate him, but Vader utilized the Force to detonate their engines or severed them with his lightsaber. After defeating the fleet, he returned to his master Palpatine, leaving a hundred Amidalans to bleed out on the asteroid.
Sometime thereafter, Imperial forces, under the leadership of General Hurst Romodi, conducted a purge targeting the group, resulting in several commendations being awarded to Romodi's forces. From a holo image acquired by Ochi of [Bestoon](/article/bestoon], the remains of at least seven members of the Amidalans could be identified. However, the handmaidens survived.