The Lake Country represented the most geographically isolated section of the planet Naboo. Its inhabitants were primarily farmers, shaak herders, and artisans specializing in glasswork. As a well-known tourist destination, visitors came to admire its cascading waterfalls and expansive grasslands abundant with wildflowers.
Comprising a remote haven characterized by a small population mainly of farmers and isolated craftspeople, the water meadows of Lake Country hosted grazing herds of shaak. The rivers, responsible for the fertile land's waterfalls, routinely caused flooding, although the area became dry during the summer months.
This region, famous for its remarkable natural beauty, occupied a valley featuring numerous lakes and encircled by mountains. These lakes were isolated from Naboo's subterranean waterways and caverns, ensuring protection from large aquatic life. The Naboo people were the protectors of the Lake Country's natural heritage. Following the Invasion of Naboo, new agreements with the Gungans were established, further solidifying the lakes' isolation within the region.
During springtime, the festival of Glad Arrival transformed the meadows, managed communally by the Pastoral Collective, into a venue for vibrant pageants and musical performances lasting several days.
[Varykino](/article/varykino], the private sanctuary of the Naberrie family, was situated on a small island bearing the same name within the Lake Country.
The picnic scene set in the grasslands of Lake Country for Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones was filmed in a meadow close to the 18th-century Villa del Balbianello in Italy. The location was combined with waterfall footage, visual effects, and a matte painting to achieve its final appearance in the movie.