Rish Loo

Rish Loo, a Gungan minister of the male persuasion, held a position on the Gungan High Council during the time of the Clone Wars. This individual betrayed both the Galactic Republic and his own council, engaging in a secret alliance with Separatist leader Count Dooku. Loo exploited his understanding of Gungan sorcery to manipulate Boss Lyonie's thoughts, pushing him towards advocating for a Gungan army's assault on Naboo's main city, Theed, alongside Separatist forces.

After Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala uncovered the scheme and relieved Lyonie of the controlling necklace, Lyonie confronted Loo, who then stabbed the Boss. Subsequently, Loo escaped to the surface to rendezvous with the Gungan army, falsely claiming that the Naboo had murdered Lyonie to incite them to attack. However, his scheme was foiled by Jar Jar Binks, who impersonated Lyonie, leveraging their striking resemblance and Lyonie's unconscious state, and exposed Loo's deceit. Loo then fled, pursued by Skywalker. Loo guided Skywalker to Dooku's hideout, where Count Dooku, displeased with Loo's failure, impaled him with his lightsaber.

Personality and traits

Rish Loo, an Otolla Gungan of the male variety and a minister, stood tall at 2.07 meters, equivalent to 6 feet and 9 inches. He had green eyes and skin patterned with purple and white. As a member of the Gungan High Council, he secretly supported the Separatists, utilizing sorcery to hypnotize Boss Lyonie into plotting an attack on Theed, the capital of Naboo. Following Jar Jar's successful impersonation of Lyonie, which secured the Gungans' support, Loo sought refuge in his laboratory. However, after Skywalker disrupted his plans, Dooku executed him for his shortcomings.

Skills and abilities

Loo demonstrated skill in the art of persuasion, managing to briefly convince the Gungans to launch an attack on Theed. His expertise also extended to hypnosis and Gungan sorcery. Furthermore, he possessed the knowledge to operate both a Gungan bongo submarine and a Flitknot Speeder Bike.


Rish Loo carried a knife, which he employed to disable Boss Lyonie.

Behind the scenes

Rish Loo made his debut in "Gungan Attack," the second episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' fourth season. In "Shadow Warrior," his voice was provided by Corey Burton, who also voiced Count Dooku and a Gungan soldier in the same episode. The name Rish Loo has drawn attention due to its resemblance to that of Cardinal Richelieu from The Three Musketeers.

