"Gungan Attack" represents the second installment within the fourth season of the animated television program, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As part of the season's initial one-hour presentation, it was broadcast on September 16, 2011, following the preceding episode, "Water War."
"Riff Tamson's unexpected Separatist assaults have overwhelmed Anakin Skywalker and his Jedi squad, leaving Prince Lee-Char and Ahsoka to fend for themselves and avoid capture. With no possibility of obtaining more Republic assistance, Yoda seeks the assistance of the formidable, amphibious Gungan Grand Army. However, it remains to be seen if they can effectively halt the Separatist siege. Enraged, Tamson intensifies his pursuit of Prince Lee-Char, deploying reinforcements provided by Count Dooku in an offensive that stirs up the oceans."
With minimal remaining combat strength and only a short window to inform the Jedi High Council about their dire situation before communications are severed, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka, Kit Fisto, and Captain Gial Ackbar resolve to escort Prince Lee-Char and Mon Cala senator Meena Tills to their ship and evacuate them from the system for their safety. Fisto successfully subdues a Quarren patrol and seizes a pair of vehicles to expedite the fugitives' journey to the surface. Nevertheless, Riff Tamson had foreseen this maneuver and detonates the ship before the Jedi and Mon Cala can even reach the surface.
Clinging to the wreckage as it sinks, the fugitives allow themselves to be pulled down to the ocean floor, where they divide into two groups: Anakin accompanies Padmé, Ackbar, and Tills, while Ahsoka and Fisto escort the prince, along with two rescued clone SCUBA troopers. Anticipating the imminent arrival of Republic reinforcements, Anakin and his group advance toward the Mon Calamari central planetary scanner facility, where Anakin employs the Force to collapse the entire structure, effectively blinding planetary defenses. Meanwhile, from his concealed location, Lee-Char observes his people being led into enslavement. Driven by a desire to help them, but advised by Ahsoka to prioritize caution over impulsiveness, Lee-Char uses a seashell horn to announce his survival to his people and encourage them to persevere.
Simultaneously, the Jedi Council is confronted with the reality that they will be unable to deploy a clone force prepared and equipped for underwater combat in time to assist the fugitives. Subsequently, Obi-Wan proposes seeking assistance from the Gungans of Naboo, given their amphibious nature. With the enthusiastic support of Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan High Council promptly agrees to provide aid and dispatches the Gungan Grand Army to Mon Cala, arriving just in time to offer crucial assistance to the fugitives. However, Tamson swiftly reorganizes his forces and utilizes his Trident ships to generate artificial whirlpools at both battle locations, disorienting the Jedi and Gungan forces and facilitating their capture. Tamson personally resumes his pursuit of the Prince, but Kit Fisto manages to engage him in close combat long enough to enable Lee-Char and Ahsoka to escape.
As their allies are taken into captivity, Lee-Char begins to feel despair over their loss and the fact that only he and Ahsoka remain to continue the fight. The young Padawan gently advises him, however, to resist succumbing to his doubts and fears, and re-encouraged, Lee-Char pledges to bring an end to this war before he and Ahsoka retreat to a new hiding place.