"Prisoners" represents the culmination of a three-part narrative arc, following "Water War" and "Gungan Attack," and is the third episode of the fourth season of the animated television program Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was originally broadcast on September 23, 2011.
"Riff Tamson and his Karkarodon soldiers have successfully captured forces of both the Republic and the Gungan people. The responsibility now falls upon Ahsoka and the young Prince Lee-Char to bring together the divided inhabitants of Mon Cala and expel the Separatist invaders."
Riff Tamson takes Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Kit Fisto, and Representative Jar Jar Binks into custody, imprisoning them alongside droids and Mon Calamari eels while interrogating them about the location of Prince Lee-Char. AQ-series battle droids conduct an extensive search, compelling Lee-Char and Ahsoka to remain in hiding. The prince resolves to liberate the prisoners in an effort to reconcile the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, believing their combined strength will overwhelm their captors and persuade the Quarren to rejoin their cause. To this end, Lee-Char and Ahsoka Tano trail a procession of prisoners to an underwater cavern serving as a prison camp, where Lee-Char delivers a speech to his people, aiming to reignite their courage. However, an aqua droid detects them, resulting in their encirclement by guards; Lee-Char then requests a meeting with their commanding officers, which is granted.
In the meantime, Nossor Ri voices his increasing misgivings regarding the conflict and the scheme to eliminate the prince to Count Dooku, only to discover, to his dismay, that Tamson has deployed his own troops to occupy the city, rather than permitting the Quarren to rebuild. Tamson resumes his interrogation of the prisoners, attempting to extract information by creating a small breach in Padmé's helmet, allowing water to flood her suit. He then receives news of Lee-Char's capture and directs the droid forces to escort him and Ahsoka to the Mon Calamari throne room, where he intends to present the prince as the planet's new ruler (much to Ri's surprise), in accordance with an agreement between himself and Dooku. Nevertheless, Lee-Char publicly condemns him, directly challenging Tamson's claim to authority over both Mon Calamari and Quarren, and appeals to Nossor Ri's bond with his deceased father and the previously respectful relationship maintained between the Mon Calamari and Quarren during his father's reign. Enraged, Tamson orders the prince's public execution.
Once Tamson and Ri have departed, Anakin and Fisto utilize the Force to create an air pocket around Padmé's helmet, displacing the water. The eels disrupt their concentration, but Jar Jar seizes the opportunity to use his mucus to seal the puncture, preventing her from drowning. Soon after, all the prisoners are escorted to witness the prince's execution, but as preparations are underway, Ri, having experienced a change of heart, secretly conveys his people's support to Ackbar. At the crucial moment, Ri intervenes to save Lee-Char, and the Quarren, Mon Cala, Jedi, Gungans, and clones unite under the prince's banner, engaging the Separatist droid forces in combat. Lee-Char prevents Tamson, who callously admits to killing his father, from escaping, confronts him, and kills him using one of his own explosive knives. Following the restoration of peace, Lee-Char, now acknowledged by both Mon Calamari and Quarren, is crowned as the new king.
During Lee-Char's meeting with Tamson, after the Karkarodon mocks him for believing that Nossor Ri will help him, Ahsoka's lightsabers are visible on her belt in the background even though she was disarmed upon her capture. The weapons are also visible when the Karkarodon soldiers begin shoving Ahsoka and Lee-Char towards the door as the prince shouts to Ri.