Shadow Warrior

"Shadow Warrior", the fourth installment of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars, fourth season, was originally broadcast on September 30, 2011.

Official description

"When Boss Lyonie, the Gungan leader, sustains an injury, a striking similarity between him and Jar Jar Binks is noticed. Binks is tasked with preventing his people from rebelling against the Naboo and thwarting a Separatist invasion spearheaded by General Grievous."

Plot summary

Anakin and Padmé journey to Theed, then proceed to the Gungan territories situated near Lake Paonga. There, they seek out their longtime ally Jar Jar. Jar Jar validates the unsettling reports that Boss Lyonie is planning an assault on Theed. He then escorts them to Otoh Gunga, where they find Lyonie actively attempting to mobilize his troop leaders for the impending conflict, with his new advisor Rish Loo by his side. When Anakin and Padmé try to reason with Lyonie, he refuses to reconsider. They then observe that he is behaving strangely. The cause is a mind-controlling necklace, which Anakin removes using the Force, causing Lyonie to regain his senses. Lyonie reveals that Rish Loo gave him the necklace.

Loo is secretly allied with Count Dooku, who promised Loo's people freedom in exchange for assisting the Separatists in their Naboo invasion. Lyonie confronts Loo about his betrayal, but Rish Loo attempts to reassert control using his mystical abilities. When Anakin and Padmé intervene, Loo deploys a squad of commando droids, stabs Lyonie, and flees the underwater city. With Lyonie incapacitated, it seems the attack on the Naboo is unstoppable. However, Jar Jar inadvertently puts on Lyonie's crown, prompting Anakin and Padmé to notice a remarkable resemblance to the Boss. Anakin then conceives a plan to deter the Gungan army by having Jar Jar impersonate Lyonie.

Above ground, Rish Loo attempts to salvage his scheme by informing the assembled Gungan warriors that Lyonie has died. Jar Jar, disguised as Lyonie, appears just in time. Despite his nervousness, he convincingly portrays Lyonie and exposes Loo as a traitor. Loo manages to escape, but as Anakin gives chase, a Separatist troop carrier arrives. The battle droid crew, believing everything is proceeding according to Dooku's plan, addresses Jar Jar. Forced to maintain his charade, Jar Jar and General Tarpals board the ship to assist in coordinating the attack, only to discover that the leader of the droid army is none other than General Grievous.

Agitated and fearful, Jar Jar desperately tries to buy time and sends Tarpals to inform Padmé of the situation. Padmé advises him to try and capture Grievous by disabling his droid escort before Grievous realizes the deception. Grievous grows increasingly frustrated by the apparent Lyonie's sudden reluctance to proceed with the assault and realizes he is an imposter. Jar Jar barely escapes Grievous's wrath, and Grievous notices that his army has been disabled. The Gungans surround Grievous, who retaliates, fatally wounding Tarpals. With his remaining strength, Tarpals stuns Grievous, allowing for his capture, before succumbing to his injuries. Upon hearing of Grievous's capture, Darth Sidious instructs Dooku, concealed within an ancient Naboo structure, to lure Anakin into a trap to hold him hostage for a prisoner exchange.

Meanwhile, Anakin pursues Loo, but is slowed down by two probe droids that target his Kaadu mount. Following Dooku's orders, Loo lures Anakin to the structure, where he encounters Dooku. Dooku kills Loo, dismissing him as a fool, and reveals the Sith's involvement in the initial invasion of Naboo over a decade prior. Dooku and his droid bodyguards then engage Anakin in a fierce lightsaber duel, which ends with Anakin disarmed and rendered unconscious.

Dooku contacts Padmé, tortures Anakin in her presence, and gives her one hour to decide. Torn between her affection for Anakin and her dedication to the well-being of the Republic, Padmé ultimately agrees to the exchange. Despite the gravity of the situation, Jar Jar is celebrated by Boss Lyonie and Queen Neeyutnee for his successful efforts in restoring peace between the Gungans and the Naboo.


"Shadow Warrior" was initially considered as the opening episode for Season Four. However, it was later substituted with the "Battle of Mon Cala" story arc to provide a more action-packed start to the season.

Queen Neeyutnee mistakenly refers to Jar Jar as Senator Binks.

To maintain consistency with the Battle of Coruscant being Anakin's first encounter with Grievous, Anakin remains unconscious and Grievous's vision is obscured by a prisoner helmet during the prisoner exchange, despite their proximity.


