Clone SCUBA trooper

Clone dive troopers, also known as SCUBA clone troopers, were clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Republic, specifically equipped for fighting in aquatic environments. During the Battle of Mon Cala, these troopers, who were clones, fought alongside the forces of the Mon Calamari and the Gungan Grand Army to oppose the Separatist and Quarren forces, which were commanded by Riff Tamson and Nossor Ri. Ultimately, the Separatists were defeated when the Quarrens shifted their allegiance, turning against Tamson and allying with their previous adversaries.


A clone SCUBA trooper

Clone troopers designated as clone SCUBA troopers utilized a specialized set of clone trooper gear referred to as Clone Dive Armor. The Phase I version of this SCUBA armor included a black helmet that was fitted with an oxygen mask. In the era of Phase II clone trooper armor, SCUBA troopers were equipped with white armor featuring six underwater propulsion jets to enhance mobility. For underwater survival, they used a scuba backpack equipped with gill grills and breathing tubes to circulate oxygen to their helmets. They wore white fins attachable to their boots. The armor could be customized with different colors instead of remaining solely white.

The specialized armor and breathing apparatus of clone SCUBA troopers enabled them to endure extended periods in the deep ocean environments of planets like Mon Cala. Some also operated the swift OMS Devilfish subs. The DC-12U beam rifle was the standard weapon for SCUBA troopers, a double-barreled weapon designed for wet or underwater use, also equipped with a powerful glowrod to provide illumination in the ocean's depths.

Similar to the majority of clone troopers, clone SCUBA troopers stood at a height of 1.83 meters or 6 feet. Their expertise lay in underwater operations and piloting submersibles. They also received training in infiltration, armed and unarmed combat, and survival techniques.


During the Clone Wars, clone SCUBA troopers were Republic clone troopers specifically equipped for combat in aquatic environments. They were considered an elite unit within the Grand Army of the Republic, although standard clone troopers were sometimes given their specialized equipment. Following the failure of Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker to resolve tensions between the Mon Calamari and Quarren, and after the pro-Separatist Quarren Isolation League launched an attack on the Mon Calamari capital, a company of Clone SCUBA troopers, commanded by Jedi General Kit Fisto and Clone Commander Monnk, were dispatched to the planet Mon Cala. During the initial stages of the city's defense, Clone SCUBA troopers provided support to the Mon Calamari Guard. Despite successfully repelling attacks from Quarren and aqua droid forces, the clones and their Mon Cala allies were compelled to withdraw after Commander Riff Tamson of the Separatists deployed Hydroid Medusas.

A Clone SCUBA trooper with orange markings

Some remaining Clone SCUBA troopers aided the Jedi in their attempts to evacuate Prince Lee-Char and Senator Meena Tills from the planet. When the escape was thwarted, two troopers accompanied the Jedi and their Mon Calamari allies as they sought refuge in various underwater caves. With the Republic unable to quickly equip an entire regiment of clone troopers for aquatic combat, the Jedi Council instead sought aid from the Gungans of Naboo. A contingent of the Gungan Grand Army, led by Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, arrived in time to assist the fugitives, but they were overwhelmed by Tamson's Trident ships.

Several Clone SCUBA troopers were imprisoned in a prison camp alongside Mon Calamari captives and civilians. Later, some of these troopers, along with numerous Mon Calamari, Quarren, and Gungans, were present at the scheduled execution of Prince Lee-Char. Before Tamson could execute the Mon Calamari prince, Nossor Ri, the Quarren chieftain, experienced a change of heart and successfully persuaded his people to turn against Commander Tamson and the Separatist forces occupying the planet. The clone troopers, along with the Quarren, Mon Calamari, Gungans, and Jedi, then united to drive the Separatists from Mon Cala.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Kier Domadi participated in reenactments of Clone Wars battles, portraying a scuba trooper when aquatic battles were featured.

