The Gungan Minister, Rish Loo, operated a clandestine secret lab within an old temple located on Naboo. During the era of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku, a Separatist leader and Sith Lord, utilized this hidden location as his command center during a short-lived alliance with Rish Loo.
Before General Grievous's arrival to Naboo, Dooku traveled there and struck a bargain with the Gungan Minister, Rish Loo. Dooku promised Loo significant influence in his envisioned new order in return for the support of the Gungan Grand Army. Nevertheless, Republic Representative Jar Jar Binks thwarted Loo's scheme, leading to Grievous's capture.
Despite this setback, Darth Sidious instructed Dooku to arrange a prisoner swap, using Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker as leverage to retrieve Grievous. Consequently, Dooku tasked Loo with guiding Skywalker to his secret lab. Loo successfully led Skywalker to the location. However, Dooku, considering Loo a failure and a fool, eliminated him. Skywalker then engaged Dooku and his IG-100 MagnaGuards in combat until Dooku subdued him, also destroying the lab's illumi-droids in the process. Following this, Dooku contacted Senator Padmé Amidala to negotiate a prisoner exchange for General Grievous.
The covert headquarters was modeled after an ancient temple. The intent was to imply a longstanding Sith presence concealed on Naboo, possibly utilized by Sidious himself in the distant past as part of his plans for galactic domination. During the production of the "Shadow Warrior" episode, the production team considered the idea of having Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator housed within this facility, given that the ship's whereabouts were never explained in The Phantom Menace.