Illumi-droids, diminutive droids capable of hovering, possessed three tentacle-like arms. These appendages functioned as mobile lanterns, providing light in shadowy environments for their possessors. These droids levitated slightly off the floor, but could also ambulate utilizing the three appendages located on their lower surface. A number of illumi-droids served to brighten Rish Loo's clandestine secret laboratory situated on Naboo.
Around 20 BBY during the Clone Wars, a collection of illumi-droids operated within the secret laboratory that belonged to Rish Loo, a Gungan who was aligned with the Separatist faction. When Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, entered the lab without permission, Count Dooku deployed the droids as an offensive measure against the Jedi. Skywalker, however, successfully eliminated all of them with his lightsaber. The ineffectiveness of these unarmed droids in inflicting harm on Skywalker held no significance for Dooku, who achieved his objective of capturing the Jedi during their confrontation. Later, in 19 BBY, a multitude of colorful lantern droids were featured within Preigo's Traveling World of Wonder, where they participated in the circus's show for Hondo Ohnaka and his group of pirates on the planet Florrum.