Gubacher, a Parwan male who was both an engineer and a physician, dedicated his services to the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. As a specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, he managed a research and development lab located within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, collaborating closely with the Jedi to create droids designed for espionage. Serving as a member of the Republic's Strategic Advisory Cell, Gubacher joined forces with numerous other Cell members in the construction of a massive mobile battle station for the Republic, which would eventually become known as the Death Star.
During the Clone Wars' second year, Gubacher enhanced the astromech members of D-Squad with a variety of upgrades, providing assistance for their mission to steal an encryption module from a Separatist cruiser. As the Clone Wars drew to a close, the Republic underwent a transformation, evolving into the Galactic Empire, which continued its efforts on the battle station project. Gubacher remained involved with the project throughout the early years of the Empire's reign.

Serving the Galactic Republic and Jedi High Council during the Clone Wars, a conflict spanning the galaxy against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, was Doctor Gubacher, a male Parwan engineer. Gubacher, whose expertise lay in artificial intelligence, operated a research and development lab inside the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, which served as the capital of the Republic and the home of the Jedi Order. Gubacher worked in close collaboration with the Jedi, and was tasked with modifying droids associated with the Order for specific missions following the Clone Wars' outbreak. In this capacity, he engineered droids for espionage and surveillance purposes, ensuring that the Order's droids were always in optimal condition.
The emergence of the Separatist threat prompted the Republic to establish the Strategic Advisory Cell, along with the Cell's Special Weapons Group, responsible for developing advanced weapons for use in the Clone Wars. As a member of the Special Weapons Group, Gubacher swore the Official Secrets Oath, prohibiting him from discussing the Group's projects with anyone, even the Jedi. Following the Second Battle of Geonosis, which resulted in the Republic's capture of Geonosian archduke Poggle the Lesser, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic presented schematics for a mobile battle station to the Strategic Advisory Cell during their second meeting. Poggle informed the Republic that Separatist leader Count Dooku had provided his hive with the plans, and they had subsequently refined them.
Despite the Geonosian's claim of ignorance regarding any Separatist battle station currently under development, most Advisory Cell members were skeptical, believing that the Separatists were indeed constructing their own battle station. Faced with the potential threat of a devastating Separatist weapon, the Republic embarked on constructing their own, utilizing the Separatist's schematics. To assist in the station's development, Gubacher formed an artificial intelligence team that designed augmented overseer droids to manage the labor force working on the battle station. Gubacher was among 150 individuals who attended a Strategic Advisory Cell meeting held in the Strategic Planning Amphitheater of the Republic Center for Military Operations on Coruscant. From the amphitheater's front row, the Parwan doctor announced the completion of the battle station project's first phase.

During the Clone Wars' second year, the Jedi Council assembled a team of astromech droids, all belonging to Jedi Order members, with the objective of stealing an encryption module from a Separatist Dreadnought, enabling the Republic to decipher a new Separatist code. Before embarking on their mission, the droid team, named D-Squad and led by Republic Colonel Meebur Gascon, visited Gubacher at his laboratory on Coruscant. The droids, R2-D2, M5-BZ, QT-KT, and U9-C4, underwent extensive upgrades to aid them in their mission. However, the pit droid WAC-47 received no upgrades, as Gascon assigned him the role of pilot. R2-D2's rocket thrusters were significantly enhanced, increasing his aerial mobility and extending his airborne duration.
Gubacher equipped QT-KT with a deployable magnet capable of attracting and neutralizing potentially hazardous objects. U9-C4 received an energy weapon for defensive purposes. Finally, M5-BZ's memory bank was removed to create space for a mobile command center for Colonel Gascon, allowing him to remain undercover during the mission. With their upgrades complete, Gubacher bid farewell to D-Squad, expressing enthusiastic excitement for each upgrade and sympathy for BZ's loss.
When the Republic was swiftly transformed into the Galactic Empire by the former Supreme Chancellor turned Emperor Sheev Palpatine, Gubacher remained a member of the cell working on the Republic's battle station project. During the early years of the Empire's rule, Gubacher maintained significant involvement in the project that would become the first Death Star.
Doctor Gubacher was a blue-skinned Parwan male, possessing three eyes and four tentacles for maneuvering, consistent with his species' biology. He also had a three-fingered cybernetic left hand.
Gubacher was a brilliant scientist specializing in artificial intelligence, a skill that proved invaluable as the leader of the Jedi Temple research and development lab. He derived evident joy from his work and, unlike many, displayed empathy and respect for droids.

Gubacher made his debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show's fifth season episode "Secret Weapons," which aired on December 1, 2012. Dee Bradley Baker, who also voiced the clone troopers in the show, provided his voice.