Orbital Shipyard CC-24

CC-24 Orbital Shipyard was a shipyard space station constructed by Republic Sienar Systems. It was positioned in orbit above the world of Castell located within the Colonies. During the Galactic Empire's reign, the facility was under the command of Commander Pasqual and staffed by technicians, engineers, and stormtroopers. Following the Battle of Yavin, the Imperialis, one of Emperor Sheev Palpatine's private yachts, was dispatched to the shipyard for upgrades. However, the criminal Lando Calrissian and his crew infiltrated the shipyard and hijacked the Imperialis to settle a debt. Commodore Idel along with Captains Conro and Shan were dispatched by the Emperor in three Imperial-class Star Destroyers to reclaim the Imperialis and punish the shipyard's personnel for their failure to safeguard the Emperor's property. They succeeded, as the three Imperial officers initiated an assault on the shipyard, resulting in its destruction and the deaths of everyone present, including Pasqual.


Orbital Shipyard CC-24 functioned as a shipyard space station within the Castell system, situated in the Colonies region of the galaxy.


Lando Calrissian and his team infiltrate the shipyard

Originally, Orbital Shipyard CC-24 was built and operated by Republic Sienar Systems, the company that preceded Sienar Fleet Systems, during the Galactic Republic's final years. It was located in orbit around the planet Castell within the Colonies region. Under the leadership of Raith Sienar, the shipyard produced multiple identical luxury pleasure craft, all named the Imperialis, for the influential politician who would eventually become Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Later, the Galactic Empire, the successor to the Republic, assumed control of the shipyard. Consequently, Imperial starships frequently underwent repairs and refitting at the facility. Commander Pasqual oversaw the shipyard sometime after the Battle of Yavin. During his tenure, one of Emperor Palpatine's Imperialis yachts was brought in for a refit. However, before its departure, Lando Calrissian, a gambler and criminal, stole it to settle a debt with Papa Toren, a crime boss who operated near Castell. Calrissian and his team of criminals, including Lobot, Korin Pers, Aleksin, and Pavol, used stealth suits to spacewalk to the shipyard, sliced their way into an airlock, incapacitated two stormtrooper guards, hurried through the shipyard's wheel-section, boarded the Imperialis, and blasted away from the station. Pasqual witnessed the Emperor's pleasure craft fleeing into space and, in horror, promptly contacted the Emperor through Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, who then dispatched three Imperial-class Star Destroyers to recapture the vessel.

The shipyard meets its end over Castell.

The three warships quickly entered the Castell system. Commodore Idel, commanding the lead Star Destroyer, had received instructions from the Emperor to provide an "object lesson" to anyone failing to protect the Emperor's assets. Consequently, the three Star Destroyers simultaneously targeted the shipyard and unleashed a fire storm with their turbolasers. The resulting explosion completely destroyed the shipyard, killing everyone on board, including Pasqual.

