Raith Sienar, a man of considerable wealth, functioned as an engineer and starship architect throughout Emperor Sheev Palpatine's reign. As the Chief Executive Officer at Sienar Fleet Systems, he led one of the Galactic Empire's leading [military](/article/imperial_military] production companies. Sienar was responsible for the creation of the highly personalized Star Courier known as the Scimitar. He also conceived the initial TIE starfighters, taking inspiration from the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor made by Kuat Systems Engineering. Sava Korin Pers suggested that Palpatine's opulent pleasure craft, the Imperialis, could have been specifically designed by Sienar. Sienar maintained a friendship with Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. [Berch Teller](/article/berch_teller], a rebel, believed their friendship led to Tarkin's possession of the corvette Carrion Spike, even though many other shipbuilders contributed to the ship's equipment.
Raith Sienar was known for leading his company without seeking the spotlight. Reports suggest he prioritized technical challenges and customer contentment over personal fame. Sienar dedicated his efforts to the design of cutting-edge starships, while also keeping the affairs of his more private customers confidential.