A human named Shan held the rank of captain within the Imperial Navy, serving the Galactic Empire. This captain was in command of one of the three Star Destroyers dispatched to retrieve the Imperialis, the personal luxury corvette belonging to the Galactic Emperor Palpatine, after its theft within the Castell system. Commodore Idel, who commanded another of the Star Destroyers, promised a reward of one million credits to whoever successfully captured the corvette. In response, Shan attempted to use their ship's tractor beam to secure the Imperialis. However, Captain Conro, in command of the third Star Destroyer, had the same idea. As a result, the tractor beams of Shan's and Conro's vessels locked together, causing a collision between the ships and allowing the Imperialis to escape.
As a human, Shan served the Galactic Empire in the capacity of Captain, commanding an Imperial-class Star Destroyer within the Imperial Navy. [Shan's vessel](/article/shan%27s_star_destroyer], along with two other Star Destroyers under the leadership of Captain Conro and Commodore Idel respectively, were dispatched to the Castell system. Their mission was to prevent the escape of the Galactic Emperor's Palpatine's private luxury yacht, the Imperialis. This vessel had been stolen from Imperial Orbital Shipyard CC-24 by the smuggler Lando Calrissian and his team of thieves. Upon their arrival in the star system, Idel communicated the mission details to the two captains via hologram. Idel then proceeded to destroy Orbital Shipyard CC-24 as a demonstration of the consequences of losing the Emperor's property. Following this, the commodore instructed Shan and Conro to remain on standby while he attempted to apprehend Calrissian and his associates, deploying a pair of gravity mines designed to adhere to the hull of the Imperialis and prevent its escape from the system via hyperspace jump.
The Imperialis's defensive systems successfully destroyed the two mines before they could attach, leading Idel to offer a reward of one million credits to whomever successfully captured the Imperialis. Motivated by the potential reward, Shan engaged their Star Destroyer's tractor beam with the intention of drawing the yacht in. The tractor beam successfully locked onto the Imperialis, but Lando Calrissian had piloted the yacht in such a way that it was positioned directly between the Star Destroyers commanded by Shan and Conro. Simultaneously, Conro had also activated their tractor beam in an attempt to capture Calrissian, resulting in the two Star Destroyers' tractor beams locking onto each other. Upon realizing the situation, Shan urgently ordered their vessel to disengage the tractor beam; however, it was too late to prevent the two Star Destroyers from colliding as the Imperialis made its escape.
Shan was a fair-skinned human who had brown hair. Shan believed that deploying three Star Destroyers to capture a single yacht was excessive, but the captain was happy to accept the task once Idel offered a reward of one million credits. After successfully targeting the Imperialis, Shan expressed satisfaction with their ship's crew and instructed them to send their condolences to Conro.
Shan's first appearance was in the second issue of the Star Wars: Lando comic book mini-series. This comic was published in 2015, and it was written by Charles Soule with the illustrations created by Alex Maleev.