A human male named Idel held the rank of commodore within the Imperial Navy, commanding their own Imperial-class Star Destroyer. In the vicinity of 0 ABY, Idel spearheaded a group of three Imperial Star Destroyers with the objective of reclaiming the Imperialis, the luxury pleasure craft belonging to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, which had been stolen from Orbital Shipyard CC-24 situated in the Castell system. Idel proceeded to obliterate the shipyard before attempting to utilize gravity mines in an effort to seize control of the Imperialis.
When this tactic proved unsuccessful, they made an offer of one million credits to anyone who could deliver the Imperialis to them, prompting the other two Star Destroyers—under the command of Captains Conro and Shan—to employ their vessels' tractor beams in an attempt to capture the yacht. However, Lando Calrissian, a smuggler piloting the Imperialis, skillfully maneuvered the yacht in such a way that the two Star Destroyers collided with each other, enabling the Imperialis to make its escape. Realizing the gravity of their failure to the Emperor, Idel took their own life by shooting themself in the head.

During the Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Commodore Idel served within the ranks of the Imperial Navy and held command over their personal Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The events unfolded around 0 ABY, subsequent to a group of thieves led by the smuggler Lando Calrissian successfully boarding and stealing Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's luxurious yacht, known as the Imperialis. The theft occurred at Sienar Fleet Systems' Orbital Shipyard CC-24 space station, located within the Castell system. In response, Idel received orders to retrieve the stolen vessel on behalf of the Emperor.
To bolster their efforts, Idel was granted command over the Star Destroyers belonging to Captains Shan and Conro. The trio of vessels converged in the Castell system before the Imperialis could make its escape. Upon reaching a position above the shipyard, the commodore established communication with their two subordinates via hologram, providing them with a briefing on their mission. Subsequently, Idel initiated the operation by instructing their gunners to obliterate the space station, intending to set an example for those who failed to meet the Emperor's expectations.

Once the Star Destroyers' turbolasers had completely disintegrated CC-24, reducing it to cosmic dust, Idel redirected their attention towards the yacht. They instructed Shan and Conro to remain on standby while they personally dealt with the thieves. The commodore then ordered their Star Destroyer to deploy a pair of gravity mines, designed to attach themselves to the Imperialis and prevent it from initiating a jump to hyperspace. However, the yacht's automated defense systems swiftly neutralized the mines. In response, Idel announced a reward of one million credits to whichever captain managed to successfully capture the ship first.
Driven by the prospect of claiming Idel's promised reward, both Shan and Conro maneuvered their vessels to ensnare the Imperialis using their respective tractor beams. However, Calrissian, who was at the pilot's controls of the yacht, skillfully steered the Imperialis between the two Star Destroyers, causing the two Imperial vessels' beams to lock onto each other instead. The captains realized their error too late, and their ships were drawn together, resulting in a collision as the Imperialis successfully fled the system. Having witnessed the complete and utter failure of their mission, Idel made the decision to end their own life rather than face the Emperor's wrath. After advising their crew to consider defecting to the Rebel Alliance, they retrieved their blaster pistol and ended their life with a shot themself to the head.

Upon arriving in the Castell system, Idel exuded confidence in their ability to easily reclaim the Imperialis. Consequently, they instructed their two supporting captains to hold back while they attempted to capture the vessel independently. However, when Shan questioned the necessity of deploying three vessels for such a mission, the commodore emphasized that it was acting on the Emperor's direct orders and instructed the captain to remain focused on the task at hand.
After Idel's gravity mine strategy failed, their confidence waned to the point where they were willing to offer a substantial sum of credits to the captain who succeeded in capturing the yacht. Following the Imperialis' escape, which was attributed to the incompetence of Shan and Conro, Idel opted to commit suicide rather than face the potential punishment from the Emperor. As a human, Idel possessed a mustache, blond hair, fair skin, and brown eyes, and was distinguished by a scar that traversed their right eye socket.
Idel was typically seen wearing a gray Imperial officer's uniform and carrying a blaster pistol while present on the bridge of their Star Destroyer.
Idel made their debut appearance in the second issue of the 2015 comic miniseries titled Star Wars: Lando. The issue was penned by Charles Soule, brought to life through the illustrations of Alex Maleev, and released by Marvel Comics on August 12, 2015.