Derrown, a male Parwan bounty hunter known as "the Exterminator" due to the potent electric fields his body generated, was active throughout the Clone Wars.
Alongside Cad Bane, Embo, and Obi-Wan Kenobi who was disguised as Rako Hardeen, Derrown was brought to Serenno. He and ten other bounty hunters were subjected to the trials of the Box to determine who would be chosen to participate in a scheme to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Derrown, after surviving the Box and becoming a member of Cad Bane's group, took part in the plot, which the Jedi eventually foiled.
A male [Parwan](/article/parwan], Derrown was regarded as one of the galaxy's most skilled and merciless bounty hunters.
Derrown utilized a jetpack equipped with a shoulder-mounted armament blaster, along with a specialized bandolier that insulated his bioelectricity to prevent it from triggering explosives, and also held holsters for his blasters. He carried distinctive blaster pistols that required significant trigger pressure to discharge blaster bolts. During the Festival of Light, he employed a holographic disguise matrix, impersonating a Senate Commando.
Matthew Wood provided the voice for Derrown in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Derrown's character design was inspired by unused artwork by Ron Cobb, depicting a colorful and unusual alien from Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in the original 1977 Star Wars film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Cobb's original concept described the alien as a mobile tropical plant, contrasting with Derrown's portrayal as a sentient gasbag.