Kowakian rum was a type of rum that humans were able to consume, known for its sweet and syrupy flavor profile. However, due to its alcoholic composition, drinking this beverage often led to an unpleasant hangover afterwards. Sinjir Rath Velus, a former loyalty officer of the Imperial forces, used to indulge in Kowakian rum, but eventually stopped because of its negative aftereffects.
This type of rum, known as Kowakian rum, was suitable for human consumption. It was characterized by its sweet and syrupy taste, and it contained alcohol. The intoxicating nature of this drink could bring about a very disagreeable hangover, which the former Imperial loyalty officer, Sinjir Rath Velus, likened to an encounter with an irate rancor - a reptilian species native to the planet of Dathomir. This beverage was available in bars and could be found stored within bottles. The name "Kowakian rum" is shared with the Kowakian monkey-lizards, a species originating from the Outer Rim world of Kowak.

During the Republic Era, Liswarr'arindoo, a Wookiee, once traded a bottle of Kowakian rum to Cradossk, a Trandoshan, in exchange for the fractured egg belonging to his daughter, Doshanalawook. Years later, in 3 ABY, Doshanalawook encountered her brother, Bossk'wassak'Cradossk, and she recounted how this trade resulted in her being raised by Liswarr'arindoo.
While at a bar in Junari Point on Chandrila, a Core Worlds planet, in 5 ABY, Conder Kyl, a slicer, inquired of his partner, Sinjir Rath Velus, as to why he preferred drinking caf, a brewed beverage, instead of Kowakian rum, or hull stripper, another alcoholic option. Sometime before the Battle of Jakku, which occurred in the same year, Velus informed Jas Emari, a bounty hunter, that he had given up Kowakian rum due to the severe hangovers it caused.
The first mention of Kowakian rum appeared in Aftermath: Life Debt, a 2016 novel penned by Chuck Wendig. This book served as the second entry in The Aftermath Trilogy.