
Cradossk, a Trandoshan male, held the position of father to Bossk. This seasoned warrior and highly regarded bounty hunter had a well-known rivalry with Tarfful, the Wookiee chieftain. As the Clone Wars approached, Cradossk's son began to make a name for himself through hunting Wookiees. Despite following in his father's footsteps as a bounty hunter, Bossk was hesitant to discuss Cradossk with his young associate, Ezra Bridger. During the Imperial Era, Cradossk was a significant figure within the Bounty Hunters' Guild, earning a considerable income by offering his services to the Galactic Empire.


Cradossk was the father of the bounty hunter Bossk.

Cradossk, a formidable Trandoshan male, was a seasoned warrior and a well-respected bounty hunter. Like most Trandoshans, Cradossk harbored an intense animosity towards the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, particularly Tarfful, a Wookiee chieftain who stood against Trandoshan hunters.

Years before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Bossk, Cradossk's son, and Doshanalawook, his daughter, were both born on Trandosha, the homeworld of their species. Upon hatching, Bossk devoured the eggs of his unborn siblings, including Doshanalawook's. Despite instructions to the contrary, Bossk failed to kill his sister, and her cracked egg was traded to the Wookiee Liswarr'arindoo for a bottle of Kowakian rum. Cradossk later taught Bossk the art of stealing landspeeders. Following in his father's footsteps, Bossk became a bounty hunter and gained notoriety as a hunter of Wookiees. At some point, Cradossk voiced his disappointment in his son's repeated failures to capture Chewbacca, the Wookiee, and his companion, Han Solo, questioning whether Bossk was truly worthy of having consumed his siblings' eggs and emerged as the sole survivor. In 5 BBY, during the Imperial Era, Bossk accepted a mission on the planet Lothal, where he enlisted the help of Ezra Bridger, a street urchin, as a guide. When the young human inquired about Bossk's father, the Trandoshan grew irritated, declaring that fathers were "overrated."

Before the Galactic Civil War began, Cradossk held a prominent position in the Bounty Hunters' Guild, an organization established to regulate the bounty-hunting profession. The Galactic Empire utilized the Guild's services, and according to Captain Cassian Jeron Andor, an intelligence officer within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Cradossk was "making a killing." Andor's statement was relayed to General Davits Draven, and the transmission was documented in The Rebel Files.

Personality and traits

Cradossk possessed orange eyes and green-colored skin. He harbored a deep-seated hatred for Wookiees, a trait he passed down to his son, Bossk. Cradossk was an unreliable individual known for his frequent lies, sometimes intentionally misleading his son Bossk during hunts to claim bounties for himself.


As a bounty hunter, Cradossk donned a red flight suit and wielded a Relby-v10 micro grenade launcher, a weapon also favored by Bossk.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Bossk's father in the new Star Wars canon, without naming him, appeared in Ezra's Gamble, a junior novel penned by Ryder Windham and released by Disney–Lucasfilm Press in 2014 as a prequel to the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. Cradossk, the bounty hunter, made his debut in the mobile game Star Wars: Galactic Defense in 2014. Although Galactic Defense did not explicitly identify Cradossk as Bossk's father—a connection initially made by author K. W. Jeter in the 1998 Star Wars Legends novel The Mandalorian Armor—dialogue within the 2017 video game Star Wars Battlefront II later confirmed this relationship.

Within Galactic Defense, Cradossk and Tarrful were obtainable Champions during the time-limited "Fierce Enemies" event. Cradossk could achieve Champion Synergy with other bounty hunter Champions, specifically Bossk, Cad Bane, Dengar, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, and Aurra Sing.

