Davits Draven

Davits Draven, a male human, held the rank of general within the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He was stationed at the Great Temple located on the moon of Yavin 4 when Mon Mothma, a key leader in the Rebel Alliance, tasked Jyn Erso with stealing the plans for the Death Star. Draven commanded Extraction Team Bravo, the unit responsible for breaking Jyn out of an Imperial labor camp situated on the planet Wobani.


Early life

Born on Pendarr III, Davits Draven served in the Galactic Republic's Military Intelligence during the Clone Wars. During this period, he never encountered any of the Jedi Generals who commanded the Clone Army. Draven frequently collaborated with Republic strategists, fleet commanders, and other officers who would later become part of the Empire's Military.

Age of the Empire

The rebellion

Driven by a sense of urgency to halt the Empire's ascent to power, Draven joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic even before its official establishment. He maintained contact with Senator Mon Mothma, who was working to unite various resistance cells under a unified banner. Airen Cracken also trained Draven as a field operative. After Cracken recruited him, Draven became the case officer for agent Cassian Jeron Andor.

Before the Galactic Civil War erupted, Draven executed targeted strikes against the Empire, engaging in sabotage, theft, and assassinations that secured vital, albeit unglamorous, victories for the Alliance. He evolved into a dependable officer, earning the respect of Mon Mothma despite his often-difficult, no-nonsense demeanor. He served as a general and the chief Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service officer on Yavin 4 in Cracken's absence. His bluntness and pragmatic viewpoints often disrupted Alliance High Command meetings, and he frequently had to make tough, unpopular choices.

Draven focused on gathering intelligence about various resistance groups across the galaxy. He obtained information about the Spectres from Ahsoka Tano and provided Mon Mothma with a summary of the major factions. Mothma instructed him to reach out to the criminal underworld and other galactic factions to gauge their feelings towards the Rebel Alliance. Draven assigned this mission to Cassian Jeron Andor, who reported that the Bounty Hunters' Guild was unlikely to be an ally because the Empire's superior financial resources made them more inclined to collaborate. Draven passed this information to Mon Mothma, but suggested the Alliance contact the Mining Guild, as they were more likely to provide safe passage. On another occasion, Andor approached him about a mission to Wecacoe to gain access to a captured Imperial warship that had fallen into private hands. Andor hoped to retrieve Imperial security protocols from the wreckage. Draven suggested that he take Kertas and Rismor with him on the mission.

Stealing the Death Star plans

In 0 BBY, he oversaw what he called Operation Fracture, an attempt to understand Galen Walton Erso's involvement in the Empire's Death Star project. While some members of the Rebel Council considered reports of the superweapon to be a ruse, Draven's direct experience with Imperial megalomania led him to believe the possibility of the so-called "planet-killer." He informed Cracken that Bodhi Rook had defected on Jedha and possessed information about Galen Erso and a potential planet-killing superweapon. He requested permission to have an undercover agent on Vulpter access the Arakyd Industries data node to confirm the information. After the agent succeeded, he reported the details back to Cracken. While the Rebel Council debated how to proceed, Draven received a document from Haxen Delto suggesting a connection between Geonosis and the Imperial superweapon. While awaiting a mission, he forwarded a report by Harisha Gulan to Mon Mothma about the security droid K-2SO. Mon Mothma instructed Draven and Cracken to investigate supply lines, laborers, and potential orbital construction sites for clues about the Imperial superweapon.

Draven oversaw the mission to rescue Jyn Erso from Imperial custody.

Draven supervised the rescue of Galen's daughter, Jyn Erso, to aid in the mission to locate Galen Erso. He had Ruescott Melshi devise a plan to extract her from an Imperial labor camp, which Draven then sent to Mon Mothma. After meeting and speaking with her, Draven was unimpressed by her defiance. Following the briefing, he sent a message to Mon Mothma strongly advising her to reconsider involving Erso in the mission. In Draven's view, Erso was a Rebel deserter and a criminal who was only loyal to herself. Mothma overruled him, arguing that, in addition to needing her to identify her father, Jyn Erso was like other Rebels who had lost their way and deserved a second chance. He assembled a mission and team to assault Saw Gerrera's fortress in case Jyn Erso failed to complete the task. Nevertheless, he ordered Captain Cassian Jeron Andor to assassinate Galen Erso if the opportunity arose, reversing his initial orders to extract the Imperial scientist for questioning.

As Operation Fracture commenced, Draven received a communication from Andor confirming the Destruction of Jedha City by the Death Star. The general emphasized the need to kill Erso and dispatched a squadron of starfighters to his location on Eadu with orders to assassinate him. However, Andor called in to inform Draven that Alliance operatives would be caught in the crossfire, but the fighters were already engaged by that point. The strike resulted in Erso's death, and Andor's team returned to Yavin 4. There, Jyn rallied the rebel council, and her Rogue One squad spearheaded a mission to Scarif to retrieve the Death Star plans.

The Rebels rise

After the Battle of Yavin and the assault on Sunspot Prison, Draven was assigned to oversee the interrogation of Grakkus the Hutt after Alliance forces intercepted his prison transport ship. Smuggler and rebel ally Han Solo was enlisted to transport Grakkus, and Solo suggested that instead of a conventional interrogation, they deceive the Hutt into revealing his power base. Draven communicated via radio to inform Solo and his first mate Chewbacca that they were dispatching X-wings to investigate the base on Teth.

Draven killed by Darth Vader

Later, he attended high-level briefings at the Mako-Ta Space Docks. He voiced criticism of Leia Organa's plan to liberate King Lee-Char. During the Battle of Mako-Ta, Draven and other Rebel forces accompanied Organa to infiltrate the Executor in order to steal codes that would disable their rebel fleet. Organa managed to escape, while Draven and the other rebels held back Darth Vader and Imperial forces. After all the rebels were killed, Draven was killed by Vader when his neck was snapped through the ways of the Force.

Personality and traits

Draven had a no-nonsense and vengeful personality that bordered on sadistic.

Davits Draven was a human male characterized by blond [hair](/article/hair], blue [eyes](/article/eye], and a fair complexion. As a Clone Wars veteran within Republic Intelligence, Draven embodied the Rebel Alliance's Intelligence operations. He and his team operated in secrecy, engaging in unglamorous activities such as sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, considering them necessary responses to the Galactic Empire's brutality and power, thus becoming a person who made no apology for his methods. He harbored a vengeful nature and a hint of sadism, as evidenced by his desire to see Queen Trios punished for her treachery and his expressed wish to witness Darth Vader burning alive before his death.

Draven often displayed a blunt and challenging demeanor, frequently sharing his unwavering opinions, such as when he criticized Princess Leia Organa's plan to free King Lee-Char from imprisonment. However, despite his often aggressive responses, Draven was secretly bothered by the fact that Jyn Erso became a hero while he was cast as the one who was wrong. During his final moments aboard the Executor, Draven confided in Leia about his personal feelings, and she responded that she would have liked to become friends with him. By staying on the Executor to buy time for Organa to escape, Draven sacrificed his life, but the gruff general died knowing that every second he and his men bought would save the day, thus becoming the hero he always wanted to be.

Behind the scenes

Davits Draven, played by Alistair Petrie, was initially revealed in the first teaser trailer for the Star Wars Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on April 7, 2016. The physical similarities between Draven and Agent Kallus, a character from the animated television series Star Wars Rebels, sparked a popular fan theory that this character was Kallus, and that the Imperial Security Bureau operative had defected from the Galactic Empire. However, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards confirmed in Entertainment Weekly, in a story from October 15, 2016, that the character's name is Draven.

Death in Star Wars 54

Originally, as established in Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Davits Draven was alive prior to the Battle of Endor. Due to a degree of miscommunication, notes were missed during production of Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Star Wars (2015) 54, depicted Draven's death aboard the Executor. Matt Martin clarified that, for the time being, the comic is the definitive account of Draven's fate. Star Wars lead writer Kieron Gillen made the decision to kill off Draven, as he contemplated how the heroes rose through the ranks so quickly.

The following section details his overridden involvement in the rescue of Han Solo from Star Wars: The Rebel Files.

Aiding in rescuing Han Solo

Davits Draven sent a report to General Airen Cracken on Leia Organa's rescue of Han Solo in, asking if she was running her own operation. He stated in the report that Boba Fett was one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, that Jabba Desilijic Tiure was untouchable, and that carbon freeze had low survival rates. Draven continued in the report, stating that his department was still pulling reports for Organa despite his response to the inquiries.

Draven listed several requests from just that morning, which included architectural specs for Jabba's Palace on file with the Mos Eisley Territorial Planning Authority, eyewitness descriptions of the palace interior collected by Tac-Comm from interviews with musicians and entertainers under the transcripts "Rystall" and "Rappertunie," dossiers on prominent courtiers (with the largest datafile being on Ephant Mon and being composed of twenty-two other partial bios), 18-month log of Jabba's movements offworld and in the Dune Sea, blueprints for the Khetanna, and Ebenn Q3 Baobab's Easy Ubese Phrase Book.

Draven concluded by noting that he couldn't refuse a request from a senior member of Alliance High Command, but he wasn't prepared to send his agents on a suicide mission. Draven, however, also highlighted that Organa hadn't requested any such assistance, nor had she requested Pitt Onoran's SpecForce personnel, and ended by reiterating his question of whether Organa was conducting her own independent operation.

