Extraction Team Bravo, also known as Bravo Team, was a military unit under the command of General Davits Draven, serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the time leading up to the Galactic Civil War. During the year 0 BBY, this extraction team was dispatched on a mission to break out Jyn Erso—a human female criminal who would later play a crucial role in the theft of the Death Star plans. Jyn was being held at a labor camp operated by the Galactic Empire on the planet Wobani.
Following a successful extraction from the planet's surface, Bravo One, their U-wing transport, experienced a minor mechanical issue that prevented it from making the jump to hyperspace. The team sought shelter within an asteroid field located in the Wobani system. K-2SO—a former Imperial KX-series security droid—sent a high-priority communication to all available Rebel vessels. Red Flight, an X-wing starfighter squadron, responded to their distress signal and rescued them from approaching Imperial forces.
The first appearance of Extraction Team Bravo was in Star Wars Battlefront, a canon video game from 2015. The team was featured in Star Wars Battlefront: Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission, a virtual reality add-on released in 2016.