Pendarr III, a planetary body, served as the place of origin, the homeworld, for Davits Draven. Draven was a human general who served within the Intelligence Service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This planet is of importance due to this connection.
Within established Star Wars canon, the initial reference to Pendarr III occurred within the 2016 publication titled Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. Conversely, within the Star Wars Legends continuity, the introduction of Pendarr III took place in 1993 through the roleplaying game supplement Wanted by Cracken, issued by West End Games.
- Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide (Initial Mention)
- Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z
- Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition
- Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
- Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition
- Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy