Jas Emari, alongside Sinjir Rath Velus and Norra Wexley, embarked on an operation on the planet of Taris. Their objective was to apprehend the bounty hunter known as Mercurial Swift. The purpose of this capture was to gain intelligence regarding the location of Imperial Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. To achieve this, Norra and her team advertised a fraudulent bounty hunting opportunity, successfully drawing Swift into a carefully planned ambush at the derelict Palmyra foundry situated on Taris. Once Swift was ensnared, Norra and her companions interrogated him, discovering that Sloane had journeyed to Jakku, a world within the Inner Rim. Having obtained the information they sought, Norra rendered Swift unconscious before proceeding to Jakku.
Following the attack that occurred on Chandrila during Liberation Day, which resulted in fatalities and injuries among several New Republic dignitaries, Norra Wexley, a New Republic operative, together with her son Temmin Wexley, the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus, and the bounty hunter Jas Emari, initiated a search for Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. Sloane was widely suspected of orchestrating the Liberation Day assault. After dedicating several months to their pursuit, Norra and her team discovered that the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift had prior dealings with Sloane.
In an attempt to uncover Sloane's whereabouts, Norra and her team collaborated with Vazeen Mordraw, a feral girl, to fabricate a fictitious bounty hunting assignment in order to lure Swift into their trap. With Vazeen's agreement, Norra's team established a false bounty, asserting that Vazeen had pilfered ID cards from the Gindar Gang, who themselves had stolen the cards from New Republic officials. Swift accepted the assignment and traveled to Taris with the intention of claiming the bounty on Vazeen. Subsequent to questioning a local slave boy, Swift ascertained that Vazeen was concealed within the abandoned Palmyra factory.
While maneuvering through the dilapidated factory, Mercurial Swift successfully located Vazeen's shelter. However, he was subsequently ambushed by Norra Wexley. Swift retaliated using his stun batons, dislodging the blaster from her grasp. Before Norra could retaliate, Swift struck her beneath the arm with his stun baton. However, Sinjir then launched an attack from behind, delivering a punch to Swift's kidney. Realizing he had been lured into a trap, Swift made his escape through a collapsed vent stack tower. Norra attempted to shoot him, but he managed to evade her and fled the shack, heading towards a breach in the adjacent factory wall. Before Swift could reach the opening, Jas Emari ambushed him, forcefully swinging her arm across his trachea. Before Swift could access one of his stun batons, Jas stunned him with her blaster.
Upon regaining consciousness, Mercurial Swift found himself being interrogated by Norra and her associates. The majority of the questioning was conducted by Sinjir, the former loyalty officer. Swift resisted until Sinjir threatened to dispatch Mister Bones to inflict harm upon Swift's mother, Tabba Teldar, who resided in Coronet City. Left with minimal options, Swift disclosed that he had communicated with Sloane several months prior. He elaborated that she had tasked him with searching the Emperor's opulent yacht, the Imperialis, located on Quantxi, for information pertaining to a high-ranking Imperial officer named Gallius Rax. Swift further revealed that Sloane was en route to the planet Jakku in the Western Reaches, accompanied by another individual who turned out to be Norra's estranged husband, Brentin Lore Wexley.
After extracting the required details from Swift, Jas suggested eliminating him, but Norra opted to spare his life instead. She rendered him unconscious using one of his stun batons. Subsequently, they journeyed to the planet Jakku in pursuit of Sloane, discovering that the Imperial remnants had sought refuge there. The following day, Swift awoke and resolved to seek vengeance against Jas Emari. Upon discovering that Gyuti, the Black Sun crime lord, had placed a bounty on her head, Swift decided to accept the assignment and trailed Jas to Jakku. Despite successfully capturing her, Jas managed to reverse the situation by persuading his crew members, Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta, to turn against him in exchange for a complete pardon and financial compensation from the New Republic.
The capture of Mercurial Swift is depicted at the beginning of Chuck Wendig's Aftermath: Empire's End, the concluding book in the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.