During the Age of the Empire and the subsequent rise of the New Republic, a Rodian named Jeeta operated as a bounty hunter. Not long before the pivotal Battle of Jakku, Jeeta, in association with fellow hunters Dengar and Embo, accepted employment from the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift. Swift's mission took them to the planet Jakku, where they were tasked with collecting a bounty placed on the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari. Although they successfully captured Jas, she cleverly persuaded Dengar and Embo to betray Swift, promising them money and pardons from the New Republic in return. Following the Battle of Jakku, Jeeta, along with Dengar and Embo, became members of Jas' crew.
In the year 5 ABY, the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift enlisted Jeeta, along with fellow bounty hunters Dengar and Embo, to serve as crew aboard his Corellian shuttle. Their destination was the Inner Rim world of Jakku, where they aimed to apprehend the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari. The Black Sun crime boss Gyuti had issued a bounty for Emari due to outstanding debts, and Swift intended to claim the reward as retribution for Emari's involvement in trapping him on Taris. However, Jas managed to break free from Niima the Hutt's temple and commandeered Swift's Corellian shuttle.
Subsequently, when Jas returned with her ally Norra Wexley and the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, Jeeta and her hunting companions confronted her and Niima. Niima, having made an agreement with Jas and Norra to be transported back to her temple, refused to allow Swift to capture Jas. Nevertheless, Niima was compelled to yield when Dengar threatened her with a blaster. After regaining custody of Jas, Jeeta took the controls of Swift's Corellian shuttle. In the cargo hold, Jas successfully persuaded Dengar and Embo to switch their allegiance in exchange for assisting her in collecting a New Republic bounty on Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, which would secure them pardons. When Swift voiced his opposition, Dengar and Jas ejected him from the ship.
Upon Jeeta's inquiry about the situation, Jas questioned her loyalty. Embo affirmed that Jeeta's allegiance to Swift was weak. Jas then proposed recruiting Jeeta into her own crew. Following her decision to join Emari's crew, they piloted their shuttle to the Jakku Observatory to retrieve Norra, who had allied herself with Sloane and her estranged husband Brentin Lore Wexley in an effort to prevent Gallius Rax from destroying Jakku. In the aftermath of the Battle of Jakku and the signing of the Galactic Concordance between the New Republic and the defeated Galactic Empire, Jeeta, Dengar, and Embo were granted full pardons and monetary compensation by the New Republic. Jeeta and her fellow hunters then continued their work under Jas' leadership.
Jeeta was identified as a Rodian, characterized by her elongated antennae and prominent bulbous blue-black eyes. Beyond her skills as a bounty hunter, she also possessed the ability to pilot starships. Jeeta harbored a dislike for Mercurial Swift. After Dengar and Embo's betrayal of Swift, she and her fellow hunters transitioned into becoming the new crew of Jas Emari.
Jeeta's initial appearance was as a minor character within Chuck Wendig's 2017 novel, Aftermath: Empire's End, which served as the concluding installment of the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.