Jakku Observatory

The Jakku Observatory, a key installation on the desert planet Jakku, functioned as an observatory. It was integrated into a network of similar facilities established across the galaxy by Emperor Palpatine. This observatory was a critical component of the Emperor's Contingency plan, designed to ensure the Empire's destruction in the event of his demise. Situated beneath the Plaintive Hand plateau, it contained a duplicate of the Emperor's personal yacht, the Imperialis, along with computer systems that displayed a map of the Unknown Regions, a collection of Sith relics and artifacts, and a deep borehole extending into Jakku's planetary core. Gallius Rax, who would later become the Counselor to the Empire, was tasked with activating the Contingency using the Jakku Observatory, intending to detonate Jakku and the Imperial and New Republic fleets in orbit. However, his plans were thwarted by the combined efforts of Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, Norra Wexley, and Brentin Lore Wexley.


From an aerial perspective, the Jakku Observatory appeared to be nothing more than a concealed bunker embedded within the sands of the Plaintive Hand plateau. The facility was defended by automated turrets and sentinel droids. A significant portion of the Observatory was constructed underground, with access limited to a large, automated door hidden within a dune. Opening this door required two individuals to simultaneously place their hands on a scan plate. The door opened into a pentagonal corridor, constructed from polished metal and black glass. This corridor was supported by a series of pillars designed to withstand the immense pressure of the surrounding sand, preventing the Observatory from collapsing. The Jakku Observatory maintained a clean, dust-free environment due to its pressure-sealed compartments. The pentagonal corridor led to an eight-sided chamber, which in turn connected to an octagonal array of computer systems. These ancient computers, originating from a long-lost civilization, projected a three-dimensional star map of the Unknown Regions. Over decades, these systems generated computerized routes into the Unknown Regions, utilizing data obtained from Admiral Thrawn. Emperor Palpatine was convinced that a dark presence resided within the Unknown Regions, and he deployed probe droids to investigate the routes calculated by the computers.

Beyond the octagonal chamber was a corridor showcasing various relics from the ancient Sith Empire, including a crimson mask, an ivory lance, a banner stained with blood, and a dark holocron. These artifacts were protected by sentinel droids that activated upon detecting a threat. Beyond this corridor was a borehole that was drilled through the schist and mantle of Jakku. According to Palpatine, Jakku was once a verdant world with forest and oceans. He believed that Jakku's core still retained the vital spark of life essence. This borehole was central to Palpatine's Contingency plan to destroy Jakku and the Empire should the Emperor die prematurely. The Jakku Observatory also had computers which controlled the telescoping vents that could close the shaft.

The Jakku Observatory also featured an automated landing dome in close proximity, which housed a replica of the Emperor's yacht, the Imperialis.



In 25 BBY, Sheev Palpatine, accompanied by his Adviser Yupe Tashu, journeyed to Jakku's Plaintive Hand plateau, bringing with them several excavation droids. Shortly after, Palpatine and Tashu departed on the Emperor's luxury yacht, the Imperialis. A local boy named Galli secretly boarded the Imperialis. Palpatine detected Galli's presence and offered him a choice between death and service.

Galli chose to live and serve Palpatine, who instructed him to return to the Plaintive Hand site and safeguard it, killing any intruders to maintain its secrecy. For the next ten years, Galli guarded the site while the droids drilled a borehole into Jakku's core and constructed underground facilities hosting Palpatine's computerized maps of the Unknown Regions, a storehouse for his Sith relics, and a landing platform for a replica of the Imperialis. Galli's companions included several protocol droids, assassin droids, astromech droids, and excavators which cleared the ground at Jakku. Galli also interacted with Tashu, who reported on the site and boy's progress to his master.

The Contingency

By 20 BBY, the Jakku Observatory's construction was complete. Palpatine rewarded Galli by designating him as the Contingency and inducting him into Imperial service. Gallius adopted the persona of Gallius Rax. He then became a commander in the Naval Intelligence Agency before rising to Fleet Admiral and Counselor to the Empire by the late Galactic Civil War. Following the Emperor's death during the Battle of Endor, Rax put the Contingency into action and began killing other Imperial commanders and setting the stage for the Empire's last stand on Jakku.

After assuming leadership of the Empire following the Attack on Chandrila, Gallius Rax commanded the Imperial fleets to converge on Jakku, intending to assess the strength of his newly formed armada. Rax asserted that the harsh environment of Jakku would serve as a proving ground for his Imperial forces in their final confrontation with the New Republic, the successor to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Rax also established a base on Jakku and forged an alliance with the Hutt crime lord Niima. Niima was tasked with guarding the pass leading to the Jakku Observatory and ordered her thugs to kidnap local orphans who would serve as Rax's child soldiers.

Meanwhile, Rax's rival former Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and the rebel operative Brentin Lore Wexley uncovered Rax's true origins from the Anchorite Kolob. They also learned from Niima that Rax had what was supposedly a secret weapons facility in the Plaintive Hand plateau. Sloane and Brentin managed to convince Niima to take them there. However, Rax's security cameras spotted them and the Counselor ordered the base's turbolasers to blast the convoy. Rax then captured Sloane and Brentin and brought them back to his headquarters.

After initiating the Battle of Jakku, Rax, along with Adviser Tashu, the former Commandant Brendol Hux, Hux's son Armitage Hux, and the child soldiers, traveled on a transport to the Jakku Observatory. Upon arriving, Rax used his sentinel droid to order the base's turbolasers and sentinel droids to power down. Rax then summoned the landing pad carrying the replica of the Imperialis and instructed the others to board it. He and Tashu then traveled into the Observatory to initiate the final stage of the Contingency plan.

Yupe Tashu donned several Sith relics and artifacts and the two initiated a Sith ritual. Rax then threw Tashu down the bridge into the borehole leading to Jakku's core. Before Rax could rejoin the other Imperials aboard the Imperialis, he was attacked by Sloane. Rax managed to overpower Sloane but was attacked by Brentin and his wife Norra Wexley, who was a New Republic operative. Despite killing Brentin, Rax was killed by Sloane. While Norra left the base with her deceased husband and rejoined the New Republic, Sloane heeded Rax's order to join the Contingency and accompanied the Hux's and Rax's child soldiers into the Unknown Regions.

Behind the scenes

The Jakku Observatory was first introduced as a key plot element in Chuck Wendig's 2017 novel, Aftermath: Empire's End, which concluded the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

