Main Imperial base

After Gallius Rax, the Counselor to the Empire, moved the Galactic Empire to the planet Jakku in 5 ABY, he established a stronghold past the Goazon Badlands and also the Sinking Fields. Builder droids constructed this stronghold, and daily shipments of TIE fighters, AT-ATs, AT-STs, troop carriers, and additional stormtroopers strengthened it. Its position was a significant distance away from the Jakku Observatory, and it was situated near the Plaintive Hand plateau.

The stronghold was known to have a pre-built training center where stormtroopers were subjected to intense and brutal drills. The Imperial stronghold also featured a subterranean level, containing a chamber filled with screens connected to security cameras. Before the Battle of Jakku, Rax delivered a broadcast speech, imploring his Imperial forces to annihilate the New Republic. In the aftermath of the Imperial fleet's loss, Republic forces overran the stronghold following intense combat.

