Niima, also referred to as Niima the Hutt, was an ambitious Hutt scoundrel of the female persuasion. She conducted her operations far beyond the boundaries of Hutt Space, a region of the galaxy. This region became embroiled in conflict as the Hutts sought to divide the territory of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the deceased crime lord. Niima made her home in a temple situated on the desert planet Jakku. Before the Battle of Jakku, Niima brokered an agreement with Gallius Rax, the Counselor to the Empire. In exchange for weapons, she committed to guarding the route to the Plaintive Hand plateau and abducting local orphans. Subsequently, Rae Sloane negotiated with Niima for access to the Jakku Observatory, falsely claiming it concealed a potent weapon.
Later, Niima suffered injuries when Rax launched an ambush on her convoy, capturing Sloane and Brentin Lore Wexley. Despite her injuries, Niima survived due to the assistance of Jas Emari, a bounty hunter, who transported her back to her temple. Following the Battle of Jakku, Niima gained control of the salvage collection efforts on Jakku and founded Niima Outpost. Although Niima was later killed by a bounty hunter, Niima Outpost retained her name. It was rumored that after her demise, a group that revered the Hutts as gods built their village around Niima's cranial mantle itself, which they adorned with precious metals and jewels.
During the Age of the Empire, Niima the Hutt established her residence in a temple located on the desert world of Jakku. Within this temple, she held dominion over numerous slaves and servants. As a symbol of their subservience, these individuals were clad only in loincloths. Furthermore, they bore hooks around their mouths, which restricted them to murmuring and mumbling. All who entered her temple were forced into servitude. Niima's slaves regarded her as a deity and dedicated their lives to serving her needs. She exerted control over all traffic traversing the narrow Yiulong Canyons and the deep Caverns of Bagirlak Garu found on Jakku.
After Gallius Rax, the self-proclaimed Counselor to the Empire, relocated the majority of the Galactic Empire's remnants to Jakku in 5 ABY, he entered into an agreement with Niima. In exchange for receiving weaponry, equipment, and provisions from Rax, Niima consented to employ her henchmen to abduct local orphans and children for Rax and to secure the path leading to the Plaintive Hand plateau. Unbeknownst to Niima, the Plaintive Hand plateau housed the Jakku Observatory, which held a pivotal role in the Emperor's posthumous Contingency plan aimed at destroying the Empire and initiating a new beginning. While investigating Rax, Rae Sloane, the former Grand Admiral, and Brentin Lore Wexley, a rebel, sought an audience with Niima to secure permission to pass through her territory en route to the Plaintive Hand plateau.
Disguised as potential slaves, Sloane and Rax convened with Niima in her throne room. Sloane revealed her identity as an Imperial Grand Admiral and proposed rewarding Niima if she granted them passage through her domain to the Plaintive Hand plateau. Initially, Niima mocked Sloane and instructed her entourage to forcibly enlist Sloane and Brentin as her newest slaves. When Sloane countered that Rax was a pretender to the throne, Niima disclosed that she had already forged a pact with him. Following a brief altercation with the slaves, Sloane successfully persuaded Niima to permit her and Brentin to journey to the Plaintive Hand plateau by asserting that it contained a weapon of greater power than the Death Star. Niima accepted the proposition and instructed Sloane to guide her to the weapons facility, announcing that they would partake in a feast before departing at dawn.
For almost a week, Niima and her caravan traversed the Jakku deserts towards the Plaintive Hand. Throughout the journey, Niima was carried atop a massive platform pulled by several of her slaves. Other slaves rode wheel-bikes, antiquated speeders, and luggabeasts. Dissatisfied with the sluggish pace, Sloane attempted to pilfer a wheel-bike. Niima commanded her slaves to subdue the Grand Admiral, but Brentin intervened to assist Sloane. Before the conflict could escalate, Rax discovered that they had breached the outer defenses of the Jakku Observatory and ordered turbolasers to bombard them. Many of Niima's slaves perished during the bombardment, but the Hutt crime lady and several slaves managed to seek shelter in the shadow of the western plateau.
Subsequently, Counselor Rax arrived with three Imperial shuttles and stormtroopers to apprehend Sloane and Rax. Niima disrupted the "reunion" and demanded that Rax reveal what he was concealing within the Plaintive Hand. At Rax's signal, his troopers opened fire on Niima and the slaves carrying her. However, Niima's physique proved resilient to blaster bolts, and she charged towards one of the shuttles, toppling it and severing one of its wings. Niima sustained injuries from repeated blaster fire and collapsed to the ground. Rax's men eliminated her remaining followers and then transported Sloane and Rax to the main Imperial base situated beyond the Goazon Badlands.
After Rax, Sloane, and Brentin had departed, the wounded Niima encountered Jas Emari, the Zabrak bounty hunter, and Norra Wexley, a New Republic operative. Niima recognized Jas as the Zabrak captive she had intended to deliver to Mercurial Swift, a bounty hunter, and his crew. Despite harboring a desire to kill her, Niima managed to persuade Jas and Norra to provide her with transportation back to her temple in their Corellian shuttle. In exchange, she offered to furnish them with clearance codes to the Imperial base where Sloane and Brentin had been taken. Jas accepted the offer and instructed Norra to prepare the shuttle.
Upon returning to her temple, a grateful Niima equipped Jas and Norra with antiquated Imperial uniforms, an outdated Imperial shuttle, and the necessary clearance codes to access the main Imperial base. Before their departure, Mercurial Swift and his bounty hunting crew, consisting of Dengar, Embo, and Jeeta, confronted Niima and demanded that she surrender the Zabrak. Niima refused and choked Swift around the neck when he reminded her that he was employed by the Black Sun crime syndicate. However, Dengar managed to compel her to release her grip by threatening to shoot her in the face. Jas allowed herself to be captured so that Norra and Mister Bones, a B1-series battle droid, could proceed with their mission to capture Sloane.
Ultimately, Jas managed to break free from Swift's grasp by convincing his crew to switch allegiances in exchange for receiving pardons and monetary compensation from the New Republic. Following the Battle of Jakku, Niima assumed control of a black market operation focused on salvaging weaponry, computers, and engines from the wreckage of Imperial and New Republic starships that had crashed on the planet during the conflict. Niima established a settlement to facilitate this salvage work, which later became known as Niima Outpost. Niima was subsequently assassinated by a bounty hunter. After her passing, rumors circulated that a group that worshipped the Hutts as deities constructed their sacred villages surrounding Niima's cranial mantle itself, which they embellished with precious metals and coveted jewels.
Niima was a Hutt of the female persuasion, characterized by a worm-like physique. She communicated in an archaic dialect of Huttese, and her voice resembled the sound of someone swallowing shattered glass. Niima utilized a translator device to convert her Huttese utterances into Galactic Basic Standard. Niima perceived herself as a divine worm originating from sand and stone. Her servants and slaves revered her as a deity and dedicated their lives to her service. Niima harbored delusions of grandeur and actively sought opportunities to augment her power and influence on Jakku. Rae Sloane effectively manipulated her narcissism by offering her access to a formidable weapon in exchange for granting her and Brentin passage into the Plaintive Hand plateau.
As a Hutt, Niima possessed the ability to withstand blaster bolts. Furthermore, she possessed sufficient strength and power to topple an Imperial shuttle and to carry multiple humanoid slaves. Niima lacked genuine loyalty and readily shifted allegiances if the opposing side presented a more advantageous offer. Niima was also recognized for upholding her commitments and furnished Jas Emari and Norra with Imperial uniforms, a shuttle, and clearance codes in return for saving her life. Niima also possessed the strength to seize a humanoid being around the neck. Despite her formidable persona, Niima was known to yield in the face of superior force, as demonstrated when Dengar threatened her with a blaster.
Niima was initially referenced in the 2015 reference books Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary and Rey's Survival Guide, which were published to promote Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Niima appeared as a supporting character in Chuck Wendig's 2017 novel Aftermath: Empire's End, the concluding installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.