Phantom Squadron was a starfighter squadron within the New Republic, established by Captain Wedge Antilles. This squadron participated in the liberation of Kashyyyk against the Galactic Empire in 5 ABY. Due to the unauthorized nature of their Kashyyyk strike, which was not sanctioned by the New Republic Defense Fleet, the squadron faced dissolution as a consequence. However, Phantom Squadron was reformed in time to take part in the pivotal Battle of Jakku, which brought an end to the Galactic Civil War.
After the capture of Imperial Vice Admiral Perwin Gedde in 5 ABY, Captain Wedge Antilles shared with his student, Temmin Wexley, his plans to create a new squadron called Phantom Squadron. He extended an invitation to Wexley to join once he achieved spaceworthiness. Phantom Squadron's ranks consisted of misfits, those considered washed up, and uniquely talented individuals.
Spurred on by Princess Leia Organa, Antilles, as Phantom Leader, led his squadron in an unauthorized attack on the Imperial-occupied world of Kashyyyk. By the time the assault commenced, Phantom Squadron was composed of twelve X-wing starfighters and their respective pilots. During the engagement, one X-wing was destroyed by a trio of TIE fighters. Phantom Squadron and Organa's borrowed ship, the Millennium Falcon, then received reinforcements from Admiral Ackbar's flagship, the Home One. The remaining Imperial forces were defeated after Han Solo commandeered the Dominion and destroyed the Star Destroyer Vitiator. Phantom Squadron experienced some losses during the conflict.
Following the liberation of Kashyyyk, Temmin Wexley commended Phantom Squadron for their exceptional flying skills. Publicly, the New Republic Defense Force lauded Phantom Squadron for their accomplishments, and Wedge Antilles was even presented with a medal. However, privately, disciplinary measures were implemented, and Phantom Squadron was disbanded. As the New Republic transitioned from a rebel movement to a formal governing body, authorities felt compelled to take action against Phantom Squadron for operating outside established command protocols.
Antilles and his fellow pilots were removed from their positions and reassigned to support roles at the New Republic military base located on Chandrila. Koko was assigned to fueling operations. The Quarren named Jethpur found employment as an engine mechanic. Yarra chose to leave the New Republic military and secured a position on a Chandrilan fishing vessel. Antilles was given the responsibility of managing a hangar on Chandrila. Due to the disciplinary actions imposed on Phantom Squadron, Antilles declined to accompany Wexley to Jakku to assist in rescuing his mother, Norra.
Following the Galactic Senate's authorization of military intervention on Jakku, Temmin Wexley successfully persuaded Wedge Antilles to revive Phantom Squadron. Antilles agreed and instructed Wexley to meet him at Hangar Forty-Seven within two hours to prepare for the Battle of Jakku. The majority of Phantom Squadron's pilots, including Antilles, Koko, and Jethpur, flew X-wings, while Yarra piloted a Y-wing. Wexley flew an older T-65C-A2 X-wing equipped with the astromech droid R3-W5.
Phantom Squadron emerged from lightspeed after the main New Republic fleet had already arrived at Jakku. Given the congested airspace above Jakku, filled with both Imperial and New Republic vessels, Wexley suggested that his fellow pilots descend to Jakku and create an opening in the Imperial air-to-space defenses to enable New Republic ground forces to land. Antilles accepted Wexley's suggestion and led Phantom Squadron into Jakku's atmosphere. During the ground battle, Phantom Squadron targeted TIE strikers and Imperial walkers. Antilles then tasked Wexley with pursuing an Imperial shuttle. This shuttle was discovered to be carrying Wexley's mother, Norra, and his B1-series battle droid companion, Mister Bones. The young pilot briefly spoke with his mother before returning to the battle.
As the battle raged on, Wexley's X-wing sustained damage from falling debris originating from the crippled Imperial Super Star Destroyer Ravager and the Starhawk-class battleship Concord. Wexley survived the crash, but his X-wing was destroyed. He was then attacked by several stormtroopers and an AT-ST walker. Wexley was rescued by Mister Bones, but the droid was destroyed in a friendly fire incident involving two A-wings.
Following the Battle of Jakku and the signing of the Galactic Concordance, Wexley earned the nickname "Snap" from his fellow Phantom Squadron pilots. Antilles assumed the role of head instructor at the New Republic's new flight academy on Hosnian Prime, while Wexley became a cadet at the same academy. Wexley's friend, Sinjir Rath Velus, jokingly referred to Phantom Squadron as "Fancy Squadron".
Another member of note during the Galactic Civil War, was Wesson Dove who later joined the Resistance's Dross Squadron alongside fellow pilot Sanrec Stronghammer.
Phantom Squadron participated in the Battle of Exegol as part of the Citizens' Fleet, assisting the Resistance against the Sith Eternal forces.